
Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Mary Memories

Today would have been my dear friend and soulmate, Mary's 58th birhtday.  As I sat here today I felt a whole lot of melancholy drifting into my thoughts like fog off the ocean.  I miss her and since I could not with her a Happy Birthday physically....I thought I would tell you all about her.  She was something special..  The picture above was made at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival by my daughter Kat.  Mary, me, and Jo had fun playing dress up.  Mary wanted to have pictures of the three of us that were fun and we could look back on one day and smile from our wheelchairs in our nursing home.
Mary and I sold football tickets at every BRHS home game for years.  She always wondered how come I sold all of mine....or most...and she didn't.  We finally took a picture of her and showed her one could see her over the ledge.  She is actually standing on her toes I think.  I looked forward to doing this every year wth her.  It was so much fun.

Mary, Santa, and Bill at the BASS Pro Shop in Prattville.  I loved doing anything with them.  They were an amazing couple together....and amazing friends.

 Mary on one of our many trips.  I loved her infectious smile.
 Mary taught Science and was an amazing Science teacher. I went with her to the Gulf Coast to gather samples for her class from the massive BP oil spill.  I was her assistant.  It was my job to bag, tag, and photograph whatever she handed me. 

Mary and Kat dancing in the street in Florence.

Mary throwing three coins in the fountain....just like the movie.

Mary and Kat batting at the Louisville Slugger Museum.

Mary with me in Ireland.  She was the best co-chaperone anyone could ask for.

Marian, Mary and I at NEA in Washington D.C.

Mary and I when we were a whole lot younger.  We had been friends for about 5 years here. She was my daughter's second mom sometimes.  She was my friend, she was an amazing wife, mom, and grandmother.  She was an amazing daughter and sister, traveling companion.....and soulmate.  I miss her terribly....but know she is having a ball with my parents and her a much better place.  Happy Birthday mi alma.

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