
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Superman Saturday

What a day this has been and what a rare mood I am in.  It began this morning with breakfast at The Farmhouse with Beth, Ron, and Collin as is our tradition.  I look forward to this every week.  It is so much fun to sit and visit with good friends.  I don't know how long we are going to be doing this because Hwy 22 is re-routing and The Farmhouse is going to be gone.  She is debating moving to a new location....and even thinking about closing permanently.  I hope she does not make the last choice.  After breakfast we headed to the Mall of Roanoke (aka Walmart) to see if we could find an 250 w overhead bulb for Frank.  No such luck there or at Russell-Do-It.....sigh.  He has been working hard in his shop and this just slows him down a bit.  He has added a bunch of new things to his inventory.  Watch my blog next week because I am going to do a post on his stuff.  I am proud of his talent and eye for detail.  Believe me....if you could see him do is nothing short of amazing. We came home and I went on line to see if I could find a bulb replacement.  I know at school that we order ours and they cost a pretty penny.  The gods of luck were with me....found the bulb, ordered it, and it was a good price.  Hopefully it will be here by Tuesday.  If not then he is going with me when I go to school on Wednesday (yes, teachers work during the summer) and he will use my ELMO to do what he needs to do.  After I ordered the bulb, I made my food for Lindi's moving out party tonight, wrapped gifts, and piddled with some other projects I have going.   Our next big adventure was Collin's 8th birthday party at Beth and Ron's.  The weather was perfect here for a pool party and everyone had a good time.  Ron grilled hotdogs and hamburgers and they were delish.  The man is a magician with a grill.  Beth made the birthday cake and the sides.  This woman is a magician in the kitchen.  We had slaw that was made from cabbages that they grew.  It was so fresh tasting.  I don't know what she puts in her baked beans....but it definitely challenges mine.  After gifts were opened, cake was eaten, and the crowd went back to the pool we headed back to the house to pick up the food for our next stop.  Lyndi's Moving Out soiree was our next stop.  We went to Keith and Sherry's for dinner.  The meal consisted of sandwich fixings (lacking for nothing believe me), Chick-fil-a nuggets, chips and dips, fresh veggies, slaw (from Beth), watergate salad (sugar free)....and the Porch People.  Dessert was a cake and Hawaiian Delight (sugar free and made by me).  The food was wonderful.  Sherry and Marci always outdo themselves and the company made for a perfect end to a perfect day.  Tula and her husband Billy Ray, Herbie and wife Linda, Sherry and Keith, Marcie and Lyndi, Keaton(Marcie's son), wife Magen, and Jett, Chris and Celia, Sandra and new beau Wallace,  Will(Chris and Celia's son), Steven(Chris and Celia's future son-in-law), and Frank and I all had a blast.  We always do.  There is nothing like being a Porch Person.  When I was a child porches were a special and magical place.  My grandfather would sit outside and play his guitar and people would gather.  You will never know how cool it was to me when we found porches here in Rock Mills where people sat and talked about world events.  You are always welcome on the porch.  I love this place.  I may be a transplant.....but I belong here.  Once the sun set and the moon began to shine we came home.  I finished up a double crochet scarf I have been working on and started a new one with the new yarn Frank bought me at Hobby Lobby in Newnan on Friday.  Life is good and I am blessed.

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