
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Royal Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge! So glad you joined the fun today...add your link at the end of Joyce's post if you want to participate and I hope you do.  It is time to get this party started-


1. July 24th is Amelia Earhart Day.  Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.  What's something you've recently accomplished solo?
It has been a quiet summer and there is nothing I have accomplished solo.  

 2. What's a product you use that never ever fails?
I have to agree with Joyce on the Sharpie permanent markers, Pilot G-2 pens (I love them). bleach as long as I use it like it is supposed to be used.....and not spill it on my clothes. 

3. Have you found your place in this world?  Where is it?
My place in this world is wherever Frank is.  We live in a small rural town called Rock Mills and if I had to pick one special place to call my home and be perfectly content living this would be it.  I love this town, I love the people.  Ireland would be my far-far away place.  I love the lay of the land, the people, the quaintness.  My personal happy place is Mrs. Betty Jean's back yard when all her flowers are blooming.

 4. Worst movie you ever saw?
Out of Africa or Gods and Generals would be my two choices.  Talk about snoozers.  They are both loaded with tons of cinemagraphics and not so much on the plot and dialogue.  Frank loved Gods and Generals.  We went to see it with two other couples and all of us but Frank and Ricky slept through the entire movie.  I am not good at movies that are over 2 hours long.  My interest disappears quickly.

 5. What's the last fun thing you did?
Taught music to children at VBS last week.  Baked this week.  I have bread going right now and made all kinds of goodies this week.  I love it when it rains and I feel the urge to bake.

 6. The month of July is named for Roman emperor Julius Caesar...ever been to Rome?  What's your favorite Italian dish?
Rome is one of my favorite cities in the world. I took students there a few years ago and loved every minute of being there...with some dear friends and my daughter, Kat.  I loved the fountains.  My favorite dishes were pizza margherita, gelato, and limoncello.  To be honest we ate nothing I did not like.  The food was amazing.  The fresh fruits from the market in Venice were awesome.  Nothing here even compares to the food there.


 7. What is one piece of advice you'd give new mom Kate Middleton?
Spend time enjoying your child. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  While in Bangor with Mary several years ago we ate Blueberry Corn Muffins that were heavenly.  The second food item is from Dixie Crossroads in Titusville, FL.  These are Corn Fritters that will melt in your mouth.  I live 10 hours away from this place and would actually consider taking a day trip there just to eat one.  What is a dish you remember well from a trip or location? 
Blueberry Cornbread Muffins
1 c blueberries
2 T flour
1 egg
½ c packed brown sugar
2 T Canola oil
½ c skim milk
½ t vanilla
1 c yellow cornmeal
2 T baking powder
1 c all-purpose flour
Makes 12 muffins
Preheat oven to 400.  Spray muffin tins with non-stick oil.  Toss blueberries in 2 T flour to coat.  In a mixing bowl, beat egg, brown sugar, oil, milk, and vanilla.  With a few swift strokes, mix in remaining ingredients.  Gently fold in blueberries.  Fill muffin tins 2/3 full.  Bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.  Serve warm.
Dixie Crossroads Corn Fritters
* 2 cups flour
 * 2 eggs – beaten
 * 1 Tblsp. baking powder
 * 1 cup milk
 * ½ Tsp. salt
 * 4 Tblsp. Liquid butter blend
 * 4 Tblsp. Sugar
 * 1 cup whole corn – drained
 Heat the cooking oil to approximately 350 degrees F. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar together. Combine eggs, milk, and butter blend. Fold the egg mixture into dry ingredients. Add corn last. Drop by tablespoon into hot oil – deep fry about 5 minutes, turning periodically – or until they’re golden brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. If you don’t want to bother with cooking fritters from scratch, we have fritter mix available. All you have to do is add water and corn and fry them.



  1. I'll have to check out that Pilot pen. I just thought of a movie that was horrible...The Tree of Life with Brad Pitt. We didn't get it at all! The pizza in Italy was awesome. Those recipes sounds delicious. Thank you.

  2. My memories from VBS are some of my favorites - as a child and as a teacher. I like your pics from Rome - I should have added more of mine. The blueberry cornbread muffins sound wonderful. Thanks for the recipes.

  3. I have never heard of blueberry corn muffins before. And Bud love both cornbread and I will have to surprise him soon and make 'em.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  4. OK I might have to try those blueberry corn muffins - yum!


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