
Friday, July 5, 2013

Five Minutes of Beautiful

On Fridays if you are around Rock Mills, AL you will find that I like to write. Not for comments or traffic or anyone else’s agenda. But for fun, for practice, for joy at the sound of syllables, sentences and paragraphs all strung together by the voice of the speaker.  I belong to a meme called Five Minute Friday and we love to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. For five minutes flat. All on the same topic.  Not sure how to participate – the step-by-step directions are over here:
Here’s how we do it:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in my blog’s footer}.
3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you. Every writer longs to feel heard.  OK, are you ready? Give us your best five minutes for the prompt:


My father used to say, "beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is clear to the bone."  I never thought it was particularly funny and it was one of those little sayings that kind of embarrassed me about my father.  Sometimes his homilies did that.  But you know...he was right....sort of.  People can be beautiful on the surface only....but if their heart is black....they are matter how they look on the inside.  True beauty is not just shines from within and there are times in my life that beauty has wrapped itself around me....and I was all in....for instance:

There is nothing more beautiful to me than a newborn baby.  Amelia Maeve is our granddaughter and she is the most beautiful baby ever.....ok...she is one of the most beautiful babies.  The beauty in a baby to me comes from their pureness.  The trusting faces.  The look when they grasp your finger and hold your heart forever.  Amelia can do that.  The first time I held her and she looked into my eyes and smiled her beautiful smile I was a goner and she knew it. 
Another most beautiful thing is the smile on the face of your first great-granddaughter.  B has a contagiously beautiful smile.  This child is something else.  She is just enough of her precious mom (my oldest granddaughter) and her dad(a former student).  Smiles show your beauty inside and out.  Don't you think?
A family is beautiful and rare thing in this day and time.  My son and his youngest two ooze beauty to me.  Their love is a beautiful site to behold.  It is special. When I am around them all I feel like my face glows.  The most beautiful thing to me about this little family is that they are Christians.  It has not always been that way....but it is now...and it is beautiful and I feel blessed.
Brides are beautiful and my granddaughter was no exception.  She was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful on her wedding day and if a man can be beautiful then Henry was definitely there.  This dashing young man in his uniform was stunning.  The love that they have for each other is beautiful.  Henry is in the military and Jazz is in school to be a nurse.  They are the parents of little B. 
There is nothing more beautiful than a bride.  The radiance that they emit lights up the darkest room.  Beauty can do that don't you think?
Sibling love is beautiful.  The love shared between two sisters is something very special. 
Even between a sister and brother.  Love among children is a beautiful thing.  It also makes for a quiet household - sin drama.....most of the time.
Family love is a beautiful thing.  No matter what we do....we conditionally love each other and that is a beautiful thing.  When a hug is shared or a kissed passed there is beauty for sure.  I love my beautiful family.  We may not be a family you will see on television or on the cover of some magazine....but when I look into the eyes of my family I see love....and I see the definition of beautiful.
Our children....with their children does not get much more beautiful than this.

Good friends and their parents (who helped raise you) are beautiful.  Good friends you work who are your soulmates with are beautiful. 

Soulmates and their moms who have shared your whole life with you....and given you the love for beautiful orchids.
The most beautiful man in my life and our beautiful niece and beautiful daughter.   
I am blessed with beautiful people in my life.  And in the words of a song by Alfalfa to Darla from Spanky and Our Gang:  "You are so beautiful to me, you are so beautiful to me can't you see?  You're everything I hoped for...your everything I are so beautiful to me."


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