
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Roulain!

Today is my DIL's birthday and I thought I would take a few minutes and wish her a Happy day.  Roulain is a new Christian and I am so very proud of her.  She is the mother of four wonderful kids and the grandmother of one adorable B.  She is an amazing woman who has overcome a lot of stuff to be the woman she is today.  I wish everyone could get to know her.  She is one of those people you just feel blessed for knowing.  Happy Birthday to my favorite DIL!(Even though she is my only one....she would still be my favorite one.)
Hannah, Roulain, Jasmine, Henry and B at the Color Run
Jasmine, Roulain, and Taylor Bug
Mom and Roulain cutting a rug
Roulain and Kat at Christmas

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