
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hodge Podge Mania

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge!  Add your link at the end of Joyce's blog post by clicking here.  Then you are free to run off and visit your with the others.  Here are my answers to Joyce's questions of the week.~

1. Picture postcards were first printed back in the mid 1800's and deltiology is the official name for postcard collecting. When did you last send a postcard? Receive one? Do you save postcards sent to you?  Do you collect and/or send postcards when you travel?  I think the last time I sent a postcard was in 2004 when I went to Ireland for the first time.  I do however pick up postcards whenever I'm somewhere that sells them just in case the pictures I took were bad.  At least I have the post card picture for my scrapbook of the trip.  The last time I received a postcard was yesterday inviting me to a pastor's luncheon on August 10th.

 2. What treat do you most like to indulge in while on vacation?  Room service is my favorite one.  If the hotel I am staying in has it...I usually order it at least once(if I am traveling solo.  Frank and I always stay somewhere that serves breakfast.  My other favorite thing is trying out local places to eat.  I usually ask locals and see what they recommend and have eaten at some really great places (most of them hole in the walls or dives)....with amazing food.
 3. Are you good at hiding your feelings?  My face tells it all.  I try so hard....but you know by looking at me if I am scared, hurt, disappointed, happy, sad. 

 4. Does your town/city/county still deliver phone books to your home?  Do you check the yellow pages when searching for a local business number or has the Internet replaced the phone book in your house?  We live in a small town...with a tiny directory that is delivered by mail.  If I can't find a local number in the book I will Google it.  I Google out of town information.

5. Would you rather be first or last?  First. Especially if it is a competitive thing.  Second is just the first loser.  If it is a scary thing...then perhaps second is not so bad.

6. July is National Park and Recreation Month (in America, but everyone can still play along)...where and when were you last in a park? Did you participate in any recreational activities while you were there?  Frank and I love Parks....we spent part of our honeymoon at Chickamagua National Military Park in Tennessee.  We live close to a number of parks since we live close to Lake West Point and Lake Martin.  Monday we rode through Horseshoe Bend Military Park.  In October we were in the Smokey Mountains and last August Susan and I went to the Jupiter Lighthouse Park in Florida.  I have a passport for lighthouses.  I get a stamp when I visit one.  Frank and I have National Park passports which we get stamps and stamped when we visit them. In my lifetime I have seen some amazing parks.  We do not camp....but we have....mostly we take in the exhibits, the sights, any programs they are offering, and picnic.

 7. What was one of your worst ideas?  This week is VBS at Rock Mills and I volunteered to do brick wall for one area that is over 9 feet high.  Each wall would require 3 sheets each x 13 ' to cover the entire wall.  It took me over an hour to do one.  Needless to say....we have wainscoting brick walls with cute little patches where it looks like the bricks are peeking out of the stucco.  It turned out good...but not before many tears and Frank feeling sorry for me and helping me do it.

 8.  Insert your own random thought here. Does your church have a choir?  Do you participate in it?  My church, does not even have one because no one will participate.  It does not bother me because we just sing an extra song so there is music and everyone participates.  When I want to add in a solo....I can.  Several churches in our area have dropped their choirs.  The reason....lack of participation.  Rock Mills is struggling with a choir...some weeks there are four at choir practice...other weeks there are nine. Summer choir is very hard because of vacation plans.  The Bible tells us to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord...all ye lands."  But does that mean sing in a choir....or just sing?  I am voting for the latter.  What is your take on this?  I would love to hear from you.

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