
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lack of Sleep Will Get You Every Time

Frank has been gone all weekend to Course of Study School and that usually means I don't sleep well.  Last night was no exception.  I went to bed about 11:00 and at 1:00 this morning was awakened by a loud boom and what I thought to be something falling.  I got up and walked through the house in the dark.  I saw nothing out of the ordinary.  I looked out the windows of the house...still in the dark and saw nothing.  I got my gun and went out on the carport....nothing.  Was I dreaming?  Was I really hearing something?  I have no clue.  I was shaken so I sat down at my computer....still in the dark and finished my sermon for Sunday. I actually started over and completed.  I finally laid back down around 3:30.  Frank was supposed to call me around 5:30 so I could get up and get ready to go with the Towler/McCarley girls to Anniston.  I never closed my eyes.  When I was picked up at 6:30 I was running on 2 hours of sleep.  I have to admit...I am too old for this.  Our first stop was the Rock Mills Nazarene Church and I bought Kat three cute necklaces there.  Then we headed to Anniston.  After a breakfast stop at IHOP in Anniston we hit the thrift stores in search of (Sherry) stuff for Wil, (Karen) cookie sheets, (Marcie, Magen, Lyndi) new baby clothes and other stuff for the twins Magen and Keaton are expecting in January and Jett clothes.  Marcie lucked out and loaded up on jackets for Jett this winter all for 99 cents each.  We found a wonderful crib and a ton of clothes (today was 99 cent green tag sale). Lyndi was looking for scrubs (she is in nursing school) and we found a ton of pair of pants. While we were there Mrs. Sherry helped an elderly woman who had an accident.  These ladies are amazing and true Samaritans.  I love them for this.  They open their hearts, their homes, whatever if someone needs something.  By 12 I was sinking fast.  I felt as if I was melting like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz.  I grabbed some quick caffeine and managed to get a good second wind.  Sherry and I headed back to Rock Mills and I grabbed a quick nap before Marian brought me some white yarn I needed.  I have four yarn projects to do and am excited now that the yarn is here.  I feel a bit more hour power nap is just what the doctor ordered.  I am going with Renee in a few minutes to see D. J.'s band is going to be another late night....but at least my sermon is ready!  Whoooo Hooooo!  Have a wonderful Saturday.

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