
Monday, July 22, 2013

Revival Is Coming!

Well the countdown is on.  In one week my church, Midway (Wedowee) is having a revival.  It will be my first as their pastor and it will be a first for me to speak at one.  I am excited and nervous all at the same time.  The event begins next Sunday night with a covered dish dinner at 5:30 followed by the service at 7.  I will be speaking the first night and my message is coming from 2 Chronicles 7:14 - 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  Monday night our District Superintendent, Dr. Lewis Archer will be speaking.  He is new to the district and everyone is excited about hearing his message.  Tuesday night my darling Frank will be speaking and I cannot wait to hear what he has in store for us.  On Wednesday night, the final night, I will be speaking again.  So, as you can see next week is going to be a busy week for me with lots of sermons.  This week I am going to go and visit some of the Midway community people  with Ms. Judy to invite them to church.  To say the least I am so very excited.  If you live in the area we would love to have you at least for one night.

One of our littlest members was airlifted to Children's in Birmingham on Saturday.  She was having seizures.  When I got the call I prayed with the person on the other end immediately and began trying to reach the young parents to pray with them too. I got the mom at the ER in Wedowee and found out what was going on.  Having a sick child is a frightening thing.  I have walked in those shoes before and it is not somewhere any parent ever wants to be.

We had Men's Fellowship Breakfast at Midway yesterday morning.  Mr. Jerry and Mr. Rayford are amazing cooks.  Breakfast was delicious.  After breakfast Allen gave a short devotional and we were dismissed.  Our numbers were a little thin at Midway yesterday.  One of my largest families had a reunion, my piano player had a reunion too, and between that and the family with the child in B'ham my numbers were way down.   Yesterday was the one man Karen show.  I played for us to sing with my guitar(so we did old standards without weird chords), played the roll of Sunday School Superintendent, and preached.  I felt like I was walking through a revolving door.It did not matter though.  I was a happy camper to be serving God.  My sermon was on Mary and Martha and I preached to my 25 as if I were preaching to 250.  God really laid a good message on my heart. Last night after we got home from church and visiting one of the Rock Mills youth and her family (she had surgery on Thursday)Frank and I talked about our sermons.  It is really neat to be able to have this conversation and I really look forward to gleaning information from his experience. 

Summer vacation is almost over for me.  I have to admit I look forward to going back because I need the structure.  School will be starting back for me in a couple of weeks (August 5th).  I am hoping that between school (with three preps and a new class I have not taught in over 10 years) and churches that life will be manageable.  It will definitely be a time to keep a calendar so I don't spread myself too thin between teacher, preacher/pastor, and pastor's wife.  Can't you just picture me with three hats on.  If you see me on Highways 22 and 431 I will be the little silver HHR with the three hat boxes in the back.  I hope I remember which one I am supposed to be wearing at that moment.  Hope you have a blessed week.  I know I am going to.  I serve a mighty God.  Rain is in the forecast for today....and for much of the week.  Whatever I do today will probably be an inside job.  Rain = good reading weather.  Don't you think!


  1. I love that you LOVE what you are doing. What an amazing gal you are to be wearing all three of those BIG hats!! Wish I lived where I could come hear you preach/teach!!

  2. Very descriptive blog, I loved that a lot. Will there be a part 2?

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