
Monday, July 29, 2013

The End of Summer

Early this morning that stupid alarm clock went off at 5:30.  I dragged myself out of bed, dressed, and headed to BRHS.  Today is the beginning of the end of summer.  Today is the first day of registration.  Mr. Reyes told us to be there at 7:30...which is 15 minutes later than we normally have to report.  I got there, was given my assignment and some bad new about a fellow lunch buddy who fell off a ladder over the weekend and broke her back.  She won't be back for a while and she will be sorely missed.  Please pray for her complete recovery.  My lunch buddy and friend Trina got there and my work assignment changed.  We were the first check point.  The line stopped with us and if they had done their residency check then we let them progress to station number two....past due fees, if not then they went to the main office to clear it up.  It amazes me how people wait til the very last minute to take care of business.  Residency checks began back in APRIL people!!!!!  Why are you just now showing up.  Griefus!  At 8:00 when the parents were let into the building they were almost wrapped around the building.  I was glad to finally see the end of the line round 11.  After 11 the people just kind of dribble in.  Trina and I were cleared to leave at 11:30.  I ran some errands in Alex City and was headed home by 12.  I called Frank to let him know I was headed home and he gave me some MORE bad news.  One of our Rock Mills folks had been taken to Opelika.  When I got home we would need to go check on Mr. L.  A one hour drive home....another hour to Opelika.  We finally got home around 4.  Revival is tonight at Midway and I am so excited.  Dr. Lewis Archer, the Southeast Districts District Superintendent is speaking tonight and I am so excited to hear him.  He is an amazing speaker and when he delivers a know God is in the building.  My dear friend, Dennis Floyd - Minister of Music at Calvary Baptist Church, is bringing the message in song tonight.  I have asked him to sing 3 songs.  I have not heard him sing in probably 20 years so I am excited about this too.  I am hoping for a good crowd tonight.  Pray for our revival if you will.  Our church has been praying for this since before I got there as their pastor.  You know...revival in one small rural church can lead to revival in a county, a state, a nation and believe me....we need some reviving here in America.  Don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe summer is coming to an end. I will be praying for your friends. Have fun at your revival.


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