
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hodge Podge - Vol 139

Welcome to Joyce's Hodge Podge.  I look forward to this day.  Everyone is welcome to play along. Answer the questions on your own blog, then hop back to Joyce's blog on  Wednesday to link with the party. See you there-

1. Labor Day weekend (in the US of A) is approaching...what's something you've labored over this year?  The call to preach.  I did a lot of praying, gnashing of teeth, talking out was a very laborous event.  I finally 'Let Go and Let God."  I should have done that in the first place.  It would have been a lot less stressful.

2. What is one word to describe your 'job' or career?  I have to use two...because I have two "job/careers" - Job 1 - teacher and Job 2 - preacher.

3. What was your worst or least favorite job ever? Why?  Working in a snack bar in a bowling alley was my least/worst job ever.  The bowlers on leagues were rude, expected to be treated like royalty and tipped very poorly, if at all.  I was paying for college.  I needed the money.  I had to work around my school schedule and got very little sleep.  Most nights I fell asleep with my nose in my books trying to study.  It was not a winning situation for me.

4. How do you measure contentment?  Psalms 46:10a - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.  My cousin Amanda gave me a bracelet to remind me of this when my father died.  This to contentment .....just being still.

5. Pickles-like or dislike? What is something you eat that requires a pickle? Dill, bread and butter, sweet gherkins...what's your favorite kind of pickle?  I love bread and butter pickles.  I mean I LOVE them.  I like dills if they are not kosher and heavy on the garlic.  When I was a kid they were my favorite treat at the movies.  Now....not so much.  I like sweet gherkins....but really only at Christmas or Thanksgiving...on a relish tray.  I can take or leave them. 

6. In your current house-town-state, what is it you like living close to? Cheeha Park (highest point in the state).  I love the area when the leaves are changing.

7. What is one thing on your 'want-to-do' list before summer draws to an official close?  My summer has already come to a close.  School started Aug 19th.  I would like to get my mom's house clearned out and sold before the end of the year.  Yeah, I know I am thinking large.

8. Insert your own random thought here.  College football kicks off this weekend.  What team will you be watching on Saturday?  What foods will you be snacking on?  Will you be at the game or in the living room?


  1. Can you believe that school has been in session here since Aug. 8th? Isn't that crazy? I'll be pulling for the Arkansas Razorbacks all season long...GO HOGS GO!

  2. I'm rootin for the Gamecocks! They actually play tomorrow (Thursday) and I can't wait! I don't plan to have any fancy tailgate foods this time but the season is just starting! Wooo! I love football season!

  3. I'd love to be in the stadium, but we'll watch from home. Still fun though! GO VOLS!

  4. It's a wonderful calling. That is a huge project cleaning out a home. I hope you can accomplish it. I don't watch football.


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