
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hodgepodge - Vol 138

Man has this week flown by.  I cannot believe it is already Wednesday.  Usually my first week drags, but this one has been amazing.  Here are Joyce's questions to this week's Hodgepodge and my answers.  If you would like to play along then copy the questions and answer them on your own blog, then hop back over to Joyce's and link up.  It is loads of fun.  You find out interesting facts about people doing this.

1. What's your worst food memory? How about one of your best?  My SIL once gave me a bushel of cucumbers to make bread and butter pickles out of.  I followed her recipe to the letter.  I ended up with 36 pints and 16 qt jars of delicious looking small problem....I missed a step in the process and those pickles were the nastiest things I have ever tried to put in my mouth.  My BL brought his backhoe over, dug a hole, and I buried them.  Some day an archaeological dig might uncover them and won't they be surprised.  Gelato, pizza, food in general in Italy would be my best memory.....oh and my mom's homemade banana pudding hot out of the oven.  I never mastered it.

2. Do you appreciate people telling it like it is, or would you rather a speaker temper his/her words and maybe beat around the bush a little? How about when you're the one communicating...which type are you?   I think you can temper your words and say the same thing just in a nicer tone.  I really do not like brutal honesty and I don't like bush beating either.  I want you to be honest....just gently.  I temper my words....unless it is something really bad then I tend to beat around the bush.

3. What's your favorite place to hang out?  Mrs. Betty Jeans garden, friends houses, the beach, the mountains.  When I was a kid it was the A & W Rootbeer stand and The Hut.

4. When do you most feel like you're a slave to time?  When I am cleaning house.  This is especially true after working at school all day.

5. What was the last concert you attended? Who'd you go with? Was it any good?  Mandisa in Montgomery at Frazier.  I went with Kat, Frank, and some of Kat's friends and it was a marvelous  concert.

6. Reality TV...harmful or harmless? What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to reality TV?  Reality.....I love the Amazing Race.  I love What Not To Wear...these are harmless.   I do not like the others...they are harmful.

7. What's something you think is overrated?  Political correctness and being famous.

8. Insert your own random thought here.   Did you know that August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day.  This is a day that  honors our elderly population. On this day, we are encouraged to recognize and show appreciation for the value and contribution of elderly people to home, family and society. In his Presidential Proclamation (August 19, 1988), President Ronald Reagan said "For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older." I think I am getting there fast....what about you?


  1. Is 55 really a senior citizen in the year 2013? I feel like the age should be upped to 65 : ) I love bread and butter pickles, but have never made them myself.

  2. When I was a kid it was a place called Kerri's Custard. Then Jack in the Box knocked it down and build on that corner, then it became a bank because Jack didn't make it in Illinois. We have them here in CA. Yes there are a few good reality TV shows but most are harmful. I guess I better appreciate myself today!

  3. Looks like we matched on question #4!.. As for canning, I've done apples, and jellies, and tomatoes; but I've never canned cucumbers/pickles. I miss canning now. I would STILL do it, if only I had a garden, or if it wasn't so expensive to BUY bushels of anything these days. I love apple picking, and really look forward to it, come Fall; but my gosh, have you SEEN what they're asking for even HALF a bushel?!!! And THAT's for the ones you pick YOURSELF! ~tina


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