
Monday, August 19, 2013

On Distant Shores

ABOUT THE BOOK:  Through the good and the bad, God wants us to rely on Him in every situation. Never was there a time so tenuous and uncertain as the battlefields of WWII, the setting for Sarah Sundin’s newest release in the Wings of the Nightingale series, On Distant Shores (Revell/August 1, 2013/ISBN: 978-0-8007-2082-7/$14.99). Sundin explores the uncertainty we face when life doesn’t go as planned, emphasizing the need to turn to God always. Sundin fittingly chose James 1:5-6 as the theme for the story: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God… and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”
With her eye for detail and flair for romance, Sundin weaves a captivating tale of two souls looking for peace in a time of conflict. Lt. Georgiana Taylor has everything she ever wanted: a close-knit family, a boyfriend back home and a challenging job as a flight nurse. A social butterfly, Georgie has always relied on others to make decisions, but with the war taking her thousands of miles from her loved ones, she must learn to turn to God for wisdom. And her life becomes even more complicated when she meets Army pharmacist Sgt. John Hutchinson in Sicily in July of 1943.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Sarah Sundin is the author of On Distant Shores and With Every Letter in the Wings of the Nightingale series from Revell, and also the Wings of Glory series. In 2011, A Memory Between Us was a finalist in the Inspirational Reader’s Choice Awards, and Sundin received the Writer of the Year Award at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. She belongs to American Christian Fiction Writers, Christian Authors Network, and Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. Sundin plans to continue to focus on WWII for her upcoming series about three naval officers based in Boston during the early years of the war.  A graduate of UC San Francisco School of Pharmacy, Sundin works on-call as a hospital pharmacist. During WWII, her grandfather served as a pharmacist’s mate (medic) in the Navy, and her great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England.
Sundin lives in northern California with her husband and three children. When she isn’t ferrying kids to tennis and karate, she teaches Sunday school and women’s Bible studies.
To keep up with Sarah Sundin, visit, become a fan on Facebook (SarahSundinAuthor) or follow her on Twitter (@sarahsundin) and Pinterest (sarahsundin).

MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK:  I am a huge fan of historical fiction and really enjoy a well written on.  On Distant Shores is one of the most beautifully written stories I have read in a while.  Sundin knows her subject and writes in such a way that the reader tends to forget thtat this is fiction.  This is not one of those totally predictable romances.  It is a wonderful story filled with excitement, heart ache, faith, romance, and life lessons learned by the two main characters, Georgie and Hutch.   I am looking forward to Sundin's next book in the series.  This book is a must read. 
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Revell and Litfuse Publicity Group as part of their blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

1 comment:

  1. Karen - thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm glad you enjoyed Hutch & Georgie's story!


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