
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday Hodge Podge - The End of Summer

I agree with Joyce, you know what they say-time flies when you're having fun, and summer around here is proving that to be true! I started back to school on Monday.  The kids don't come until th 19th, so for the next 10 days we have inservice, training, meetings, and working in our room.  I did take a few minutes out of my day after learning about School Safety (and being terrified)...and Child Abuse....and the speeches from this morning. Here are my answers to this week's sure to add your link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here and please do this before you hurry off to see what the neighbors had to say-

1. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week...what's one thing you could do this week to qualify as a participant?  I could tackle the office room at the house and get rid of old files, and go through all my parents pictures and get them to their rightful owners.  I have done that at school this week.  I actually had files from 1989.  Griefus!
2. It's also National Peach Month...peach pie, peach cobbler, or please pour me a Bellini? What's your peach pleasure?  I love peach pie/cobbler.  My favorite way to do just peal and eat.  I love them.
3. Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote, "Do one thing every day that scares you."Agree or disagree...explain.  I agree somewhat.  I am not sure you have to do something every single day....but maybe once a week.  I too love Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I will trust in You."...and most of my fear giving things have to do with rejection, criticism, things like that.  I don't have to jump off the side of a mountain....(oh wait...I did that once)....or white water raft over a Class 5 waterfall...(oh wait...I have done that too)....Most of my things that scare me as I approach the fine old age of 60 deal with things that are outside my comfort being a preacher.  I think if you never get out of your comfort cannot grow.
4. What's your favorite household chore? Yes, you have to choose one.
I don't suppose reading books to review counts huh?  It would have to be....ummmm....dishes....whether it is loading them in the dishwasher...or washing them by hand.  I have a window over my sink and I love to look at the pasture outside my house....and watch all the birds.  I was never meant to be a house cleaner.  I love the smell of cleaning products...I just would rather do other things.

5. Fodor's recently listed (what they've dubbed) the ten most beautiful sunset spots in America. Click here to read more or see pretty pictures, but this is their list...

Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara CA, Mount Haleakala in Maui HI, Old Fort Marcy in Santa Park Fe NM, Laguna Beach California, Hopi Point in Grand Canyon AZ, Four Seasons in Miami FL, Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica CA, Gay Head in Martha's Vineyard MA, Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City UT, and Mallory Square in Key West Florida.

Have you seen the sun set from any of these spots? If you could choose to watch the sun set from one of the spots on Fodor's list, which would you choose. Where was the prettiest sunset you've ever seen?

I love sunrises and sunsets.  That is the time I feel closest to God.  I've seen the sun set from Mallory Square in Key West many times and it is the most beautiful place in the world.  I grew up in South Florida and my parents and I would ride down there for the day....just to see the sun set.  The Sunset from the Cliff House Inn in Santa Barbara is amazing.  It actually has a purple tint to it.  I loved every minute of it.  I prefer a quiet sunsets and not really excited when there is a lot of noise going on when I am being reverent.  Santa Monica Pier has an amazing sunset I agree with Fodor's, as does Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.  I have experienced sunsets all over.  The one I was privy to in Mackinaw Island, Oahu, Hawaii, Glacier National Park. Devils Peak in Wyoming, Sullivan's Island in South Carolina, Lake Martin in Alex City, AL, Roanoke, AL, from the Driftwood Lodge in Panama City matter where you are...or where you live....your sunset is the best.  I have NEVER seen a bad sunset.  They have all been breathtakingly amazing. 

Driftwood Lodge Sunset
Roanoke, AL...looking out from my front yard

Sunset and the Mac bridge

6. What's your favorite or most used app? If you don't use apps, how about your favorite or most visited website?  I actually have several favorite apps...but since I can only chose would be Bluefire Reader hands down.  That is where most of the books I download go so I can read and review them. 
7. We've recently passed the halfway mark for 2013...write a seven word sentence that sums up your year thus far.  2013 has been a year of change!
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Have you ever heard the song Jeremy by Pearl Jam?  We heard it today during one of our meetings.  It is about a boy who was not heard by his classmates, his one....when he spoke out...and he eventually killed himself.  It would be those kinds of inservice trainings that always leave me a wee bit disconcerted about the students who will be entering our doors on the 19th. 


  1. I LOVE!!!! the bridge sunset. That is stupendous.

  2. I prefer my peaches just as they are. I do like when the kitchen is clean. Those sunsets are gorgeous.

  3. I agree: Is there such a thing as a bad sunset?
    I didn't even think about the dishes. I don't mind doing them by hand every now and then, but I wouldn't call it a "favorite"!

  4. congrats on pastoring @ Wedowee...I used to go to street dances there with my aunt and uncle back in my 20s.
    my daddy grew up in Woodland
    Prayers for continued success and growth ;)
    My stepdad is now preaching at Campground UMC in Graham :)

  5. I'm with Anni-that bridge sunset photo is stunning!!

  6. My oldest son is entering middle school this year and I get so nervous about all the stuff that can happen. Between bullying, depression and kids bringing guns in. Kids can be so darn mean to each other. But i know it will probably be OK. On a brighter note, I agree that all sunsets are beautiful and they do seem to bring a sense of spirituality.


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