
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Starting  back to school is always tiring for me.  It does not matter if the students are there or not.  When I got home Friday night I wanted to crash....and I pretty much did. Frank was at school in Birmingham so I had planned a number of activities.  My first interruption was when a young lady stopped by to pick up a piece of woodwork for her brother.  Thirty minutes later a lady stopped by to ask about what Frank does in Frank's shop.  I tried to get her to come back at a later date so she could talk to him....not me.  Thirty minutes later a welcomed interruption occurred when my old assistant principal stopped by to visit.  She is a good friend and even though we live in the same town, her schedule and my schedule limit our time together except on Facebook.   We had a lovely time talking.  By the time she left I was exhausted, fixed some dinner, and worked on my sermon for Sunday.  I got so into the sermon that I completed it and Children's minute.  I love it when a plan comes together.  Saturday morning I had a preacher's brunch in Alex City.  It is not like I have not already driven this hour ride five times this I was headed down Hwy 22 again....for the sixth time.  The brunch was fun and afterwards I went by for a visit with my dear friend Deborah.  I got home in time to finish up a book review for Litfuse and work on my sermon some more.  I got some ideas at the Pastor Brunch and just had to use them.  You get a lot of great ideas talking to seasoned pastors.  After Frank got home we went to Sherry's and had a visit with the Porch People.  I enjoyed Mrs. Sherry's back porch and her rocker as we caught up on the weeks events....(Jett's eye surgery and Chris's accident at Steel Fab.  When we got home I polished my sermon.  My scripture lesson will come from Luke 12:32-40.  The story that was shared was this: 

When you die, what do you want your tombstone to say?
Do you want it to say, “He died with the most toys?”
Do you want it to say, “She had a street named after her?”
Do you want it to say, “She came to church every week?”
Do you want it to say, “He accomplished much in his life?”
Do you want it to say, “He was a great hunter?”
Do you want it to say, “She was a great cook.”
Do you want it to say, “He died rich”
Or do you want it to say, “I told you I was sick.”
My sermon was on being a Christian who is significant.  I encouraged the congregation to learn to be servants of Christ....not pew couch potatoes.  James 1:22 tells us to be “Doers of the Word, not hearers only.”  Sunday we had our 2nd Sunday Birthday and Anniversary luncheon.  I had forgotten it was I prepared nothing.  Thankfully my congregation are "doers" and prepared enough to feed the whole community.  Frank came up from Rock Mills and had lunch with us.  I love Sunday's...even though busy...they are so full of fellowship and being with God's people.  When we got home I watched Cutthroat Kitchen and Frank napped in the recliner.  All is well in Karendom.  Tomorrow I will be back at school after an early morning doctors appointment.



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