
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Farewell My Dear Friend

I am sad this morning.  Yesterday I got a phone call from my cousin/singing partner/sister, Amanda tell me that our other singing partner had lost her husband.  I was in shock.  I could not believe that Stan was gone.  Today I want to share one of my favorite stories about Stan and his character.  Ten plus years ago, when I lived in my little apartment, a friend gave me a sad little chiffrobe that she had stored in her barn.  I only had two tiny closets in my apartment and the piece gave me some much needed storage space.  It was warped in the back and the front had some areas of water damage from being stored so long in the barn....but it was still usable.  I kept it until Frank and I married and I moved into his apartment.  Stan had booths at Angels Antiques in Opelika and he also built and restored furniture so I gave the piece to him.  Several months later we met Stan and Rebecca at Angels.  He was so excited and met us at the front door to escort us to his booths.  He wanted to show me his newest piece.  I looked his booth over and everything was gorgeous.  He kept standing beside a piece and clearing his throat.  I finally looked in his direction and there was a gorgeous...I mean drop dead gorgeous cedar hall tree.  Stan had a huge smile on his face.  The cedar hall tree was the tired and sad little chiffrobe.  Stan had taken it and converted it into a piece of furniture worthy of being in a million dollar mansion.  It was amazing but then....that was how Stan was....with furniture and with people.  Stan was one of those amazing people who could see something battered, worn, and abused on the outside and find the beauty within.  I know he did with me.  Stan could always see the heart of the wood.  When I first met Stan and Rebecca I was battered, abused, and worn and had no self-worth.  Stan loved me just as I was and always made me feel like I was special.  He was special to me.  I loved getting a big old bear hug from him everytime we were together.  He was my friend and I will miss him very much.  Please pray for my friend, his wife, Rebecca.  I know his death has left a huge hole in her heart and life.  He will be sorely missed.  Frank told her yesterday that he envied Stan.  Rebecca looked at Frank and asked, "Why?"  Frank then told her because Stan was where he (Frank) was striving to be.  Heaven was rejoicing with the entrance of this new angel.  As we left the house yesterday after spending time with the kids (Charity, Zeb, and Virginia), Ashton (his granddaughter) and Rebecca I hugged her and told her if she needed anything to call me.  She told me she would be alright because she was a Still Magnolia (the name of our singing group and our power statement).  I knew with her parting statement that she would be alright....because she was right....we are Still Magnolias


  1. Sounds like a wonderful man who cared about you deeply and the feelings were mutual. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))

  2. So sorry that you have lost a dear friend.


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