
Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Minute Friday - She

On Fridays a bunch of brave writers gather here to all spend 5 collective minutes writing on a single prompt.
Here’s how it all got started, back story, details and all. The short version is:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word. (On your blog or in the comments).
2. Link back here to Lisa Jo Bakers blog and invite others to join in {you can grab her button code in her blog footer}.
3. Go leave some comment props for the five minute artist who linked up before you.
It’s a great way to catch your breath at the end of a long week.
Simple and Easy Peasy.  I look forward to Fridays and unwinding in word! 



She picked me up when I fell down countless times.  She washed away my tears and fixed my hurt with a bandaid.  One day she went away.  Her physical body was still there but her mind was somewhere else.  I could not fix her when she needed fixing. 

She found me playing in my back yard in 1959.  I was five and she was getting there.  She  became one of my bestest buds.  She was with me when I rode my first bike, went to Kindergarten at Vedado Park, went to Belvedere.  She was there the day I graduated and se was there the day I walked down the aisle the first time.  Susan, she was there in my neighborhood when we moved in.  She became my fast buddy.  She was there when my brother died and I was there when her father died.  We went to school together from Kindergarten to PBJC and when she walked down the aisle and married the love of her life I was there singing the songs she picked out.  She still figures large in my life.  She is the one I love to spend time with.  She is the one I call when I am struggling.  She is the one I want to share my dreams, hopes, and fears with.  When we get together after being apart it does not seem like any time has passed.  She is something special.  She is my daughter's Godmother. 

Speaking of my daughter she came to me one hot June morning.  She was a month early and my blood pressure was rising.  When the doctor laid her on my chest she opened her eyes, looked at me, grabbed my little finger and I was hooked for life.  She was my daughter. 

She went to work at BRHS the same year I did.  She and I became fast friends.  She fell one day during a bomb threat and we became soulmates.  We traveled together, we raised our children together, she secretly hoped that my daughter would marry one of her did not happen but she was ok with that.  She died and there was a massive hole in my heart that she had filled for so long. 
She came to me at church, caught my hand and lead me to pray with her.  She did not plan for me to pray about her.....oh no!  She was praying for me.  My tears flooded the altar rail as she clung to my hand.  She gave me hope....and strength.  The words she uttered fell upon me like black velvet.  She, her sister, and the rest of the Porch People fill my life these days. 
I am a fortunate one to have had so many "she's" in my life.   



  1. Hi there!! Nice to "meet" you, I linked up after you on 5 minutes for Friday. Your post was great, I like the way you intricately described each "she" in your life.

  2. How wonderful that you have had so many wonderful 'shes' in your life--you are indeed blessed! I'm glad I stopped by from FMF :).

  3. Dear Karen
    With so many special"she's" in your life, you surely are blessed abundantly by the Giver of all good gifts! Oh, I know thar secret longing and trying to be a match maker!
    Blessings XX


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