
Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday Jenifer!

I wished her a happy birthday on facebook on the right day.  I had every intention of whipping out a bang up post in her honor and I dropped the ball.  Life got the best of me and I fumbled.  September 7th was Jenifers birthday.  I find it so hard to believe that she is in her 40's.  It seems like only yesterday she was just a precious little 3 year old toddling around after her brother and two big cousins.  Jeni is the tiny one on my right.  She was such a cutie.  She still is.

I thought I would do a pictorial down memory lane remembering Jeni....then...and now. 
Jeni is so talented.  She made her Easter dress and eventually made one for Kat just like it out of scraps from hers.  She is so good at cooking and sewing.  She won several 4-H awards for both. 

Eric's graduation from Hackneyville.  Jeni would graduate from there the next year and attend CACC on a volleyball scholarship. 

Our mega trip to Los Angeles.  We made a stop in Flagstaff and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  This is one of my all time favorite shots of all three of them. 

Jeni and Kat at the beach.  We were there with one of the Thompson weekends.  We had so much fun.

Jen and Kat at Christmas at Eric and Roulain's house.

Mike, Jeni, Mark, and Iris at Ferris's wedding shower.  The boys are twins.

Jeni with her Fox relatives.  I am thinking she is in Florida.

The kids at Jeni's in Chelsea for Christmas.

Alanna and Jeni.  I think this was Alanna's prom.

Jeni and Sam and friends fishing.

Jeni could always outfish every male in our family.

Sam and Jen and a Red Snapper. 
Jeni and Christina.  I think Jeni was maybe 20 here.
Jeni and her fellows.  Austen to the left and Sam on the right.  She is a beautiful woman don't ya think.  I hope her special day was amazing.  I am sure it was because Sam is good about spoiling her rotten.  Happy Birthday Baby!  Love, Momma


  1. Love all the pictures.
    Happy Birthday Jenifer!!

  2. Happy birthday to Jeni!!!
    (One of my sisters is Jenifer..with 1 "n"!)


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