
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Think I Can....Maybe

Frank and I went visiting on Monday.  I had not seen Mrs. Jean or Mrs. Betty Jean in a while so we stopped by and visited with them today.  I had such a good time visiting with my Rock Mills friends.  After we got home I piddled around the house and then decided to bake so back to Walmart we went.  I had to have butter and whipping cream.  Monday night I baked a pound cake for school and the house, I made bread - trying out a new recipe, Frank worked in the shop/I watched Hallmark Channell until it was time for him to watch Florida State Football.  I got a little nervous in the first few minutes when Pittsburg scored early on.  Since Alabama and Auburn both won on Saturday night I wanted Frank's team to win too.

 I worked on lesson plans for English in the beginning of the game, got ready for school today.....I start a month long morning duty assignment, I finished up some laundry and meant to iron....but it just did not get done. Lesson plans whooped me. I have been struggling this school year.....but refuse to admit defeat.  I am going to beat this. 
I have not taught English in 10 years and even though I have not forgotten it....I feel as if I am reinventing the wheel.  I do not have any worksheets, notes, nothing....all I had in the beginning was the Teacher's Edition of the book....I cannot seem to wrap my head around this class and it is sucking the life out of me.  I decided over the weekend that I would man up to this one.  Who knows...maybe by Second Semester I will be running on all pistons.  I hope so.  I am glad that class is first block and it is over for the day.  Tomorrow I will be even better than today, at least that is what Scarlett said in Gone With The Wind."  I wonder sometimes. 

I feel like I am the end of the year teacher right now....hopefully second semester I will be more like the first owl.  The key word there is hopefully.  I think I can.....maybe!

1 comment:

  1. I know that when Mike is teaching a new class it's pretty rough for a while - hopefully you'll get it in gear shortly!

    Did Frank's team win?


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