
Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Rainbow Egg

About The Book:  This is the story about Hope, a wild chicken, who happens upon an egg. Looking for a place to help raise it, a guardian red bird leads her to a chicken house full of chicken families. There she finds challenges and fear ultimately leading to the most precious gift she could ever hope for. The Rainbow Egg is a beautifully illustrated, delightful fresh look at adoption as a loving gift.

About The Author/Illustrator: 
Linda Hendricks, M.D. is a practicing oncologist in Georgia.  With the adoption of her two children she was fueled to spread the word that adoption is an act of love on the parts of both the adoptive parents and the birthmother.  The intent of her book is to explain this act of love to her children. She is now sharing it with everyone.

Christine Greer, R.N. has been practicing nursing for 18 years.  She is a professional artist and taught school art for many years.  She has played a dynamic integral part in the work required to get this book published.  She and Dr. Hendricks are already planning their second book together.

My Thoughts About The Book:  The Rainbow Egg by Linda Hendricks is a short and sweet children's book about adoption described through the lives of chickens. I have several friends who have adopted and I shared the book with each of them. I believe that this children's book is a must have,  It is beautifully illustrated and would be a great source of help for those experiencing infertility, those with adopted children, children who live in adoptive homes and birthparents or potential birthmothers of adopted children.  A great read within twenty-six pages.

STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE: I received an paperback copy of this title from Thomas Nelson as part of their blogger review program . I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.  Thanks guys for letting me read this and participate!

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