
Tuesday, September 10, 2013


ABOUT THE BOOK WOUNDED WOMEN OF THE BIBLE:  FINDING HOPE WHEN LIFE HURTS:  This book is a touching reminder that there is nothing new under the sun. Things that wounded women centuries ago are still hurting women today.   This book delves into the lives of more than a dozen Biblical women from Ruth to the widow of Zarephath.  Each story exposes the raw emotions  of each of  these women.   
DENA DYER - is a wife, mom, author, speaker and musician who loves encouraging audiences and readers (especially fellow moms) to lean hard into Jesus...and not take themselves too seriously. Writing is a calling and a passion, and she has written hundreds of articles for magazines, newspapers, anthologies, blogs, and websites. Dyer currently serves as a Contributing Editor for The High Calling and feels blessed to be part of such a stellar organization.  Her first book, Grace for the Race: Meditations for Busy Moms, has just been re-released as an e-book and is available on Amazon. Her sixth book, Wounded Women of the Bible (Kregel), was released July 1st. In her spare time, Dyer loves to cook, decorate, read, and spend time with my family and friends.  When time permits, she enjoys leading worship for women's groups, mentoring other aspiring authors, and teaching.
TINA SAMPLES -  is a Colorado-based writer, speaker, and worship leader. She keeps busy serving alongside her husband, Dave, who is the lead pastor at Grace River Church in Windsor, Colorado (   As a Texas gal, Tina loves going “home” for the opportunity to hang with her family, the Kinsey clan. She spends quite a bit of time at baseball games watching her oh-so-grown up son, Zach, play ball. (She dreads the day he will leave for college.) Tina’s oldest son, Jaren, is married to Navy gal Jillian, and together they live in California. Both of her sons are incredibly gifted musi­cians, and Tina is proud to have led worship with them.  Tina also loves photography, music, and teaching. Tina says, “The Lord is an amazing God of blessings. I feel so privileged when I get to speak or lead worship at women’s retreats, conferences, or other events. More than any­thing, I love ministering to other women.”
MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK:  Authors Dena Dyer and Tina Samples do a wonderful job giving narratives of biblical accounts of such hurts and in the process weave in their own stories.  The authors share their own personal wounding stories and then offer ways to heal.  They are compassionate, honest, and empathetic as they deal with their difficult subject matter.   "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" is the constant theme threaded throughout the book.    I love the fact that there was a study guide in the back of the book, with thought-provoking questions and activities for a group to complete.  This book would be a great resource for a Bible study, or a help for anyone searching for hope and healing.  This book is refreshing and you will find yourself returning to it again and again. 
STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE: I received an ebook copy of this title from Kregel Publications as part of their blogger review program . I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

1 comment:

  1. Dena Dyer and her husband were part of an outstanding group of Christian entertainers in Granbury, Texas and Fredericksburg. They did 50's and 60's music. Her husband is AMAZING!! I have read some of her stuff and it's good. I'm going to check this out. Thanks.

    They are an example of people using their God-given talents in great ways.


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