
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Hodge Podge

It is that time of week again and Joyce has some really good questions out there.  Want to play along with all of us?  If you do then hop over to Joyce's blog and grab the questions, answer them, then hop back and post your answers. 

1. What was your biggest worry five years ago? Is it still a worry? My parent's dying.  It is not still a worry.  My dad died in 2009 and my mom in 2011.  2. Yesterday (October 15th) was National Grouch Day...what makes you grouchy? What cheers you up when you're feeling grouchy?  Being sick makes me grouchy and reading or watching a really good movie makes me cheer up.  Frank and Kat also can cheer me up by doing the funny things they do.3. In one word, how does it feel to be photographed?  Embarassing

4. Besides your parents, who would you say had the greatest influence on you in choosing your life path? Explain. Dr. Watson B. Duncan III - he taught me English at PBJC.  I wanted to grow up and be just like him.  Funny thing....I teach high school English today....Thanks Dr. Duncan.5. The crisp days of autumn are here ...what's something you like to eat, but only if it's crisp?  Apples.  I love McIntosh, Cameo, Granny Smith, and Braeburn.  They are all crisp...and sweetly tart.
6. What's the most useless object you own?  A bundt pan.  I have a rectangular pan now and love making pound cakes in it.  The bundt pan has not been used in over 4 years.  Pretty useless huh?7. Share a favorite fall memory. As an adult when fall gets here Amanda usually has us all over to her house to pick and sing out by the campfire.  The kids roast weiners and marshmallows.  There is something about the smell of wood, the feel of the heat from the fire, and the sounds of good music.  Another being in the Smokey Mtns. when the leaves are changing.  I have made this trekk many times with friends and families and I never get tired of going through the Mtns. and Cades Cove.  I was sad that we didn't get to this year....Thanks to our wonderful government.  When I was a child some people in our neighborhood would make snow cones for all the kids trick or treating.  We all wanted to go there first to make sure we got one. 
8. Insert your own random thought here. October 16th
is Dictionary Day - Vocabulary mavens and wordsmiths unite! October 16th is Dictionary Day.This word-worthy occasion marks the birthday of American lexicographer Noah Webster, father of the modern dictionary.  How well do you know your words? Dictionary Day is a wonderful occasion for brushing up those verbal skills by playing word games like Scrabble, Password, Boggle or Balderdash. Or just pick up a word search or crossword puzzle.  It's also Learn a Word Day on October 16th. What is your new word of the day?   Instead of sharing my new favorite word of the day I thought I would share something that makes my blood boil.  Did you know that every year new vocabulary words are added to the dictionary?  Sometimes they are based on necessity and other times they are based entirely on the culture.   There are a few that I really think could have been left out....maybe because I am an English teacher....or maybe because my parents taught me to speak correctly.  I will say phones are killing our speech. "Feature phone" is one of the new words that I deam totally unnecessary.  All cell phones have what is the point here?  Onliner is another one that refers to someone on the internet....duh!  Scareware is yet another word to be used with, or in place of, spyware, malware and adware mean the same thing.   Why do we need so many words for this?  We have even added abbreviations like tbh which  means "to be honest". How hard is it to just say to be honest?  More and more the English language is being dumbed down.  I also found "tmi" and to be honest why do texting languages need to be there.  I also found woot, "prolly"(short for probably), sammich , and my final word is "bromance".  If we continue down this path we may someday live in a world where writing and speaking properly is the exception instead of the rule.  


  1. Your random thought about the dictionary goes along with mine about actually putting down our cell phones and having a conversation! Sometimes it's tough to balance the pros and cons of technology! Have a great day.

  2. I have trouble remembering the words I already know and find it hard to keep up.

  3. I hear you on the language thing. Another thing that annoys me is when I get emails from people and they don't bother with capital letters and use and abundance of texting abbreviations. Having someone ask "how r u?" doesn't make me feel like answering.

  4. I'll be making an apple pie later today with crisp Granny Smith favorite!

  5. I use my bundt pan quite often, and make a lot of my favorite cakes in there. I feel like I have better success with that one than a layer cake. Mushy apples=blech!

  6. When I was young I worried about my parents passing away and my mother died 31 years ago. I am so blessed to have my dad and I worry about the day he will be gone but my faith is very strong, but I will miss him so much, we talk everyday. I didn't have this Faith years ago.


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