
Friday, October 25, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Together

Somewhere out in blogdom there is a room full of women all sharing their hearts and their words with each other. Right now. Here. Together tonight. At the Allume Conference.
I am here with them too because this is a safe space...a happy place for me. This  is the Friday exhale of words without the editor’s voice. Without the voice that tells us we aren’t skinny enough, or talented enough, or have clean enough houses.  On Fridays we silence that voice and we just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.  Click here for the back story on how to join us for five minutes today on the word:


Thanksgiving is looming just around the corner and sometime between now and then we will sing "We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing" in church. I know we are going to at Midway  because it is one of my favorite Thanksgiving hymns.  I love getting together as a fellowship of believers and singing, hearing God's word, and sharing prayers and praises.  When I miss life goes wonky.  I love get togethers with friends....planned or spontaneous.  Some of my most favorite ones are with the porch people in Rock Mills and with our church families at Rock Mills and Midway.  There is nothing like being together and fellowshipping.   it does not have to be a can be sitting in someone's garden, eating together after church on Sunday, playing Mexican train, having a lesson in crochet....however the time is spent the most important thing is that we are together.  My dad's family does not get together often.  We tend to only see each other now during weddings and funerals.  The elder generation is gone now but we manage to stay connected through facebook.  My mom's family is a horse of a different color.  WE LOVE to get together.  We will use any excuse as a reason to celebrate and be together.  We have mini reunions throughout the year, but Christmas and Thanksgiving are the biggies.  This year we are all going to get together at the beach.  This has become a tradition since the year of so many losses.  We all wanted a new tradition....and so the beach it was!   There will be somewhere between 30-35 of us in one house....together.  I cannot wait to get together with sister/cousin Amanda and having the opportunity to sing to our hearts content. 

Our family get togethers always involve music.  When I was a child growing up I thought everyone's did.  You can imagine my surprise when I realized that other families did not sing like we did.  Anyways, we are a close knit family....and have a large extension of us (friends and such).  When we gather together we always thank God for this time of closeness.  Changing the know there are a lot of together lyrics....Get Together(The Youngbloods), Together Again(Emmylou Harris), Come Together(The Beatles), Let's Stay Together(Pat Benatar)....yep...togetherness makes my world go round.  How about you?


  1. I am looking forward to getting together with family this Thanksgiving. It has been a long time. It usually just the four of us on holidays.

  2. Love this Karen! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Have a great one this year!


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