
Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Mid-October Daybook

Outside my window is a tiny courtyard that has been forgotten and the nasty side of the boys gym. No one ever takes the time to clean the windows or wash the walls.

I am thinking, "I wish I could be home enjoying this lovely fall weather."
I am thankful that I have a job, for my family, for my lovely ride down Hwy 22 each day, for my Midway and Rock Mills churches, for good friends, for a place to live, for food to eat.  Thank you God for everything.

In the kitchen there are remnants of the makings of a pound cake, pumpkin bread, crusty bread, and apple cheese bread.  The first two went to Midway's Fall Festival and the last came to school this morning for my coffee club.  I made bread for Frank.

I am wearing a red turtleneck, a black jacket and pants, and black boots because this week is Red Ribbon Awareness Week for SADD and today we were supposed to Stomp out Drugs (wear red and boots.)

I am creating a wreath for the front door of the Rock Mills Church, and some scarves.

I am going to a Cluster meeting tonight after work for preachers in the Wedowee area.

I am wondering why we have Faculty meetings on Monday?

I am reading Route 66 Reunions to review.

I am hoping to drive Route 66 from start to finish one day in a classic car with either Frank or my daughter, Kat.

I am looking forward to spending a spa day (mani/pedi) with my sweet daughter soon.

I am learning a great deal about Joshua in our Joshua Bible Study on Wednesday night.

Around the house we need to get rid of the thorn bush in the front of the house and trim back the rose bush on the side.  I also need to get the office room in order.

I am pondering what I can bake this week.

A favorite quote for today comes from the Amish Wisdom app on my IPad, ""Remember the day's blessings, not the day's troubles."

One of my favorite things You mean besides raindrops on roses?  It would have to be the smile of a child.  You know...the kind that starts in the eyes and reaches the mouth.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Cluster meeting, choir practice, Wednesday Bible Study, The Woodyard in Griffin, the Red Barn Auction on Saturday, the BRHS football game on Friday.  Church on Sunday.  Busy week huh?

A peek into my day:  English 11 we finished up vocabulary for Bernice Bobs Her Hair, Sp I - We began a unit on Spain and clothing, Sp II - We began a unit on Mexico and legends (this is one of my favorite units).  Normally I give guitar lessons tonight but I have a preachers cluster meeting tonight.  I was going to bake after I got home....but you never know how long these meetings will last. 

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