
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday Hodge Podge

Welcome to October and another week in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Everyone is welcome to play along-just answer the questions on your own blog, then come back here to add your link to Joyce's blog and join the party. Here are my answers to this week's questions-

1. What's one thing you learned in September?  You are not guaranteed tomorrow. I have always known this but was reminded of it with the death of my dear friend, Stan.

2. Acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, yellow squash, zucchini squash, or blech! hold the squash!...what's your favorite squash? Your favorite way to prepare your favorite squash?  I love them all, but I think my favorite is the yellow summer squash.

3. The older I get the ______________________________.  Faster the days seem to pass.

4. What's your favorite television theme song ever?  China Beach - Reflections by the Supremes.  The blond singer on China Beach was really a good friend of my family.  She made an appearance on the final episode.

5. What do you wish you'd spent more time doing five years ago?
Writing my dad's stories.

6. What item do you most need (or want) to add to your wardrobe this fall?  I want some booties, scarves, and a few new turtlenecks.  Maybe even some fall pins. 
7. On October 2, 1950 the Peanuts cartoon was introduced to the world. What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?  Saturday morning cartoons were a much anticipated treat around our house.  Mighty Mouse was probably my favorite. I remember getting up way before my parents and watching cartoons with little sound. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.
My random thought comes in the form of a prayer request today.  One of our church members was airlifted to UAB on Saturday in active labor at 22 weeks with twins.  She delivered the girls yesterday.... Kash and Kruze were born last night.  Kash weighed in at a whopping 1 pound 3 oz. and Kruze followed a while later at 1 pound 1 ounce.  They are 10 3/4 inches long.  Please pray that they continue to flourish.


  1. I have know it too about not being guaranteed tomorrow yet sometimes it's so hard to make the most of each day. I trying....
    I am praying for those two precious little girls.

  2. Oh, what sweet little darling babies!! God bless them; and my congratulations to the parents, and all the family. ~tina

  3. Oh you got it!!! Prayers being said for the two infants!!! Keep us posted.


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