
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge on Fall Break

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge!  I'm so glad you're joining the fun sure to add your link to Joyce's blog before you go a-visiting.  Here are my answers-

1. The USA will mark Columbus Day on Monday, October 14th this year...what's something you need or want to explore (literally or metaphorically speaking)?
Scotland, Ireland, and Germany would be the places I want to explore.  As I grow into being a pastor I want to continue exploring my faith, the Bible, and the spiritual side of my life.  I want to explore relationships I have had in the past, have now, and hope to develop in the future. 

 2. The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, Ursula from The Little Mermaid, or Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty...who do you most love to hate?
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, although I actually love to hate all three.

 3. Is open-mindedness a virtue?
I would think so.  Being open-minded means you are willing to listen and do.  You may not change your opinion....but at least you heard the other parties viewpoint.  I wish our government would be a little more open-minded right now.  I was barred from Cades Cove this past week.  That made me sad.

 4. How often do you weigh yourself?
When I go to the doctor.  I know what I way by the way my clothes fit....or don't.

 5. This question comes to you courtesy of Rebecca over at Making Memories, so thanks Rebecca!
Costa Rica was recently named the happiest country in the world on The Happy Planet Index.  What's the happiest country in the world to you, and what makes it so?
I have been to Costa Rica and it is a very happy place.  Pura Vida is their reply to everything.  The beauty and simplicity of the country make it a lovely place to visit.  Italy would be my other choice.  The Smoky Mountains are my happy place here in the states. 
 6. Besides The Bible, what is one book you think should be mandatory reading for every high school student?
As an English/Spanish teacher I think students should read a collection of all the classics.  Fitzgerald, Cather, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Wordsworth, Byron, Beowulf....I wish reading was a subject to itself.  I think if it were then students would love doing it more.

 7. I went shopping at some nearby outlets last week, and while I was there, I picked up a couple of Christmas gifts. How about you? Have you started your holiday shopping yet?
I shop all year long.  By Thanksgiving I am usually through.  I detest Black Friday.  I am not going to fight anyone over a gift.  They are supposed to be bought with love....not malice.  I love to buy when I find just the ideal gift for someone.  I do save a few small items for during Christmas so I can hear the music playing, see the carolers at the mall and get that holiday spirit pumping.

 8. Insert your own random thought here.
When do you decorate your Christmas tree and when do you take it down?  My mom never put the tree up until Christmas Eve and it came down New Years Eve.  I usually put mine up the first weekend in December and take it down on New Years Eve so I can start the New Year out clean.  How about you? 

1 comment:

  1. I will have to check out Costa Rica someday! I won't be done until closer to Christmas because the kids never get there lists to me this early but I do have some gifts bought already. Well since I have over 900 ornaments I keep my tree up until mid-January or when the mood hits me that it is time! I will be putting my tree up earlier this year but as a rule I usually start Thanksgiving weekend.


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