
Friday, November 1, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Grace

On Friday’s we silence the inner critic. The loudest of all naysayers. And on Fridays we remind ourselves that The Word is for us and loves us and welcomes us.  Your words are safe here.   So come and write with us. Together. On one word for five minutes. And then link up your post or leave it in the comments. But remember, the one must rule here is that you visit the person who linked up before you and encourage them in their writing.  That’s it. The gift of encouragement – pass it on.  All the back story and details for how to play along are over here.  Once you link up at Lisa Jo's blog then pick the person before you and leave some comment love on their post.  You can visit all you want....just be sure to visit the one before you.  Today the word is the one that’s been hammering in my head all week. Today the word is GRACE.


I am trying to write this while my class is taking a test.  I have already had three interuptions so I am stopping my clock and starting it back each time.  I know my thoughts are disjointed.  I had a student ask me once, "what is it about Grace that makes it so amazing?"  I wanted to cry.  I could not believe that someone did not understand the ramifications of Grace.  Grace  in Christian terminology  is the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.  It is amazing.  In Ephesians 2: 8-9 I find this assurance of grace, "You are saved by God’s grace because of your faith. This salvation is God’s gift. It’s not something you possessed. It’s not something you did that you can be proud of. "  That is what I love so about grace.  There is nothing that I did to earn it....or deserve it.....but God gave it to me.  When I found the word for the day I immediately began humming the tune to "Amazing Grace" and started my day with a huge smile on my face.  As I sat here at my desk in my room while my students did their work the tune for Chris Tomlins song, "Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone" moved into my mind and by the time it was over the students were actually smiling back at me.  My whole day....even at this very moment....I feel blessed with grace.  Grace makes me feel like it is Christmas morning all day long.  I( am sitting here wrapped in warm fuzzy feelings of grace unearned.  Thank God I am saved.  Thank God for the Amazing Grace.  Thank you for all the second chances I have been given.  Help me Lord to pass grace on to others.  Help grace temper my action and reactions.  If you have not ever watched it, please take a chance and watch the movie, The Grace Card.  It is well-worth the effort and time.  You won't regret watching it I promise. 


1 comment:

  1. How awesome, Karen. Thanks for sharing this today. Happy Friday!


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