
Friday, November 8, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Truth

So I see you asking yourself what is this Five Minute Friday....well it is simple.  We all write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that Lisa Jo posts here at 1 minute past midnight EST every Friday. And then if you have a Twitter account we connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FiveMinuteFriday No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real. It started because Lisa Jo had been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And she figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing. So now on Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write without worrying if it’s just right gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Your words. This shared feast. - See more at Lisa Jo's Blog. It’s easy to join in, just: Check what the prompt is on Lisa Jo's blog. Write a post in only five minutes on that topic on your blog. {And if you don’t have a blog, no worries! Just leave your writing as a comment on her post} Link over  to The Gypsy Mama and invite friends to join in. Select the permalink to your post {so not your blog url but your post url } Using the blue linky tool at the bottom of her Five Minute Friday post enter your link. It will also walk you through selecting which photo you want to show up in the linky. Your post will show up in our Five Minute Friday linky. Be sure and encourage the person who linked up before you! The most important requirement for participation: There’s really only one absolute, no -  ifs, ands or buts about it Five Minute Friday rule: you must visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community. Todays word is: 


In John 14:6 we are told "I am the way, the truth, and the light: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  So I found myself wondering what is truth to me.  I know in court "you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God."   The most important thing about truth to me is that almost two thousand years ago, Truth was put on trial and judged by people who were all about lies. In fact, Truth actually faced six trials in less than one full day, three of which were religious, and three were legal. Yet, none of these characters of this real-life drama seemed to be able to answer the question “What is truth?”  So I asked myself....what did I see truth as and came up with my definition of the word truth.   Truth is something that corresponds to reality,  Truth is simply telling it like it is.  Truth is the opposite of a lie and is actually easier to tell than a lie.  You don't have to remember which lie you told.  You simply told the truth.  When I was younger some of the worst things I did, that ended up in a lie, had the worst outcome because I lied!  If I had told the truth I would have still been punished....but the punishment would have only been for the action....not the action and the lie that went with it.  I had strict parents....when your parents lose a child things get hard for the remaining sibling.  My life was no different and so I resorted to embellishing the truth from time to time so I could do things my friends did.  I have learned one thing in my 50+ cannot embellish something ugly like a lie and make it work.  At least I never could.  My mom always knew when I did not tell the truth because my right eye would twitch; a dead giveaway for sure. I cannot believe how much easier my life became when I finally learned that the truth was the only way.  John 14:6 should have been my mantra as a teenager.  Truth is the way....but now I find myself wondering....does telling the truth have to hurt?  Here is where the sticky wicket is.  I believe you can tell the truth and still save someone's feelings in the process.  One of my dear friends believes in being brutally honest and the hurt feelings I have seen because of it bother me.  I am not talking about bending the truth....I am talking about saying it nicely.  Instead of telling someone, "You look terrible," you can still tell them the truth in a nice way by saying, "I love it when you wear that blue makes your eyes pop."  You have not lied....and you spared feelings. My five minutes are ending and I have really danced around the word for today....and that is telling the truth 100%!

1 comment:

  1. Your eye twitches when you lie? That's awesome. My eye twitches when I'm tired. :D
    I agree, the truth can be said in a way that isn't destructive. God made me with a conscience that doesn't let me get very far in a lie. So, truth telling is a strong desire, and, in the process, I forget the importance of telling the truth "with love." I am learning though. Learning. There's no need to bend it, just remember there is a way to say it that doesn't have to destroy.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm visiting from FMF.


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