
Thursday, November 21, 2013

God's "Weigh"

About The Book:  As a believer, living at your ideal body weight is your birthright. This is God’s will for you. You are called to glorify God in your body. The Bible is the greatest health and weight loss book ever written. God has a call to every believer to walk holy in the area of diet (dietary holiness). What you eat matters to God. That is what God’s "Weigh" to Your Ideal Body Weight is all about.

About The Author:  Michael Scott Lowery is first and foremost a Believer in Jesus Christ. Secondly, his spiritual gifting is prophecy. This simply means that he is called to discern areas in which the Church has deviated from God’s Word and then work to communicate corrective Biblical truth. That is what God’s Weigh Ministry and the book God’s Weigh to Your Ideal Body Weight is all about.  Michael Lowery has pursued the study of health and weight loss, and what the Bible has to say about it, for over thirty years. Through the founding of God’s Weigh Ministry, and God’s Weigh to Your Ideal Body Weight, he is working to lead the Church to the body weight, health, and lifespan that God has always intended for His People.  Lowery lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and five children. He enjoys watching his kids play a variety of sports, joining in as often as possible. He also enjoys studying the Bible to discover practical solutions to the problems and struggles facing God’s people in this modern world.

My Thoughts About the Book:  As someone who has struggled with weight most of my life I was excited when I saw this book up for review.  As a Christian I feel everything I do should glorify God but never could get a handle on controlling the weight issue...until I read this book.  I discovered in reading this book that what I eat did matter to God.  When I was struggling and looked to food I found that I had been looking in all the wrong places all the time. God's "Weigh" showed me something I really should have known all along, the Bible had the plan I needed and it was right there staring me in the face.  This book instilled in me the desire to eat and live a life that glorifies God.  I know that there are others out there just like me and if you are struggling with your weight then this might be just the  book  you need to read.

Statement of Disclosure: I received this book to review from Thomas Nelson Publishing Group's Book Sneeze Blogging Program and Zondervan for an honest review.

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