
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What the Bride Didn't Know

About The Book:  Shh…it's a secret!   Special ops expert Trig Sinclair is a man's man, and that means he knows the cardinal rule of the bro code—no matter how dynamite Lena West is, as his best friend's younger sister, she's strictly off-limits!  But when a secret mission to Istanbul sees Lena and Trig pretending to be married (and sharing a bed!), he finds himself in a whole new world of sweet torture…. But if Trig thinks playing the honor-bound hero is tough, it's got nothing on how Lena feels when she discovers what her "groom" is really hiding….
About The Author:  Australian born Kelly Hunter writes short contemporary romance for Harlequin Mills &Boon and even shorter contemporary romance for herself. First published in 2007, Kelly's books have finalled once in the Romance Writers of Australia's RUBY award, six times in the Australian Romance Readers Awards, twice in the Romantic Times Readers Choice Awards and have been nominated three times for a RITA. Thus inspired, Kelly keeps writing them.
My Thoughts On The Book:  I love a story where friendship turns into love, and I was expecting that outcome from this book. I liked the main characters, I liked their interaction with each other, I liked the fact that they were all old family friends.  I liked that they were spies (which gave the story an element of suspense) and the shooting and robbery in Turkey made them all vulnerable.  I was a bit disappointed in the amnesia aspect, but loved the ending.  This is a fun read. I read it in one sitting.

Statement of Disclosure: I received an paperback copy of this title from Harlequin and Net Galley Publishing Group as part of their  blogger review program . I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own. Thanks guys for letting me read this and participate!

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