
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bound To A Promise

About The Book:  (from a press release) - Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX“Mrs. Floyd, my name is Paul Howard, and I’m calling from the United States embassy in Antigua. I’m sorry, ma’am, but I need to ask, are you Bonnie Clever-Floyd, daughter of William Norman Clever? I regret to inform you that your father has been killed.”
It was a cold, ordinary morning when Bonnie Floyd answered the phone call that would change her life forever. That date—February 1, 1994, would be seared in her heart as the day her parents had been brutally murdered. “They didn’t suffer, Mrs. Floyd; they were shot in their sleep…”Stunned and despairing, Bonnie cried, “They’re dead. They’re gone…”
Bound to a Promise tells the amazing true story of faith in the face of unimaginable loss. Bonnie Floyd’s father and stepmother had been living a dream life—serving as caretakers of a private tropical island and traveling the world in a sailboat. That life was cut short when three young men boarded their yacht as it was anchored off the coast of Antigua. Determined that there should be no witnesses to their theft and brutality, the assailants shot all four people on board.  For several years prior to that terrible day in 1994, Bonnie and her husband, Donnie, had been seizing every opportunity to share their faith with her parents. “I had done all I knew to do to share with them. They had come a long way in their views of God. They acknowledged his hand at work in their lives and in ours, and they were never against a suggestion to pray,” Bonnie recalls. “To this day I can still see the intensity in my father’s blue eyes and the assurance on his face when he said, ‘I promise you, if I ever get into a position where I fear for my life, I will pray, but I have never been, nor will I ever be in a position where I am not in total control.’”  Within six months, Bonnie’s parents were dead.
In the coming months and years, as God began to reveal what really happened that night in Antigua, Bonnie found not just the assurance that she would see her parents again in heaven, but also the power to forgive. Bound to a Promise includes the fascinating account of the Antiguan trial that brought her parents’ killers to justice, featuring some dashing Scotland Yard detectives, a criminal in search of redemption, and many other memorable characters from the island. Bonnie’s colorful descriptions of her parents’ adventures abroad and her time in Antigua lighten the mood and add a touch of travelogue to the true crime drama. In a truly inspirational twist, Bonnie arranges a meeting with one of the confessed attackers, a man who would eventually claim her as family.

About The Author(from the back cover of the book):  Bonnie L. Floyd is "real, reliable, and refreshing.  Perhaps it is because she could easily be a next door neighbor or any of us.  Bound to a Promise is a true story of tragedy and redemption that unexpectedly resulted in the opportunity to share that story with others and, ultimately, the birth of Bonnie Floyd Ministries in 1996.  For several years Bonnie served in various capacities with Women of Faith and is currently an administrator for Barry and Sheila Walsh.  More importantly, she has a deep love and respect for God's Word that is born out of her service as a teacher and small group leader for more than twenty-three years.  Bonnie has been married to "her Donnie" since 1987.  Both California natives, they now make their home in Celina, Texas-a home that provides a perfect setting to share Bonnie's passion for cooking for entertaining family and friends.  They make their church home at Genesis Metro Church in Frisco, Texas, where Bonnie, who was ordained as a minister or the gospel in 2010, is an active member in women's ministries."

My Thoughts On The Book: This story was so powerful. It is filled with drama, intrigue, suspense, redemption, and forgiveness. I am not a huge fan of memoirs but this book had me from the very first page.  As the story unfolded I could not imagine what it would have been like to have lived this horrible story.  I felt as if I were right in the middle of everything that was going on.  I really loved how Floyd included background stories to help the reader truly understand her feelings.  The book was real, frank and honest.  This could happen to anyone.  The question I was left with was would I personally be ready if it did?  When she talks about forgiveness it was raw reading.  How do you forgive someone who did something so brutal to someone you love so much?  Bonnie's forgiveness is given through the God she knows and loves.  His grace is amazing and He always keeps His promises.  Even if you do not like memoirs, this book is a must read.

Statement of Disclosure: I received this book to review from B & B Media Group, Inc. for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this one.  It was AWESOME!


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