
Monday, December 23, 2013

The Scent of Fear

About The Book:  After three years of tenuous peace, John and Ellie Zimmerman are shocked when two old friends show up in disguise. Their world is once again sent into turmoil.  Jim Kenneman, Director of National Security, masterminded the break up of a group persecuting Christians in the Lancaster Tourist Zone. Now, they're gunning for him. At first, he relies on his negotiating skills, but his best operative convinces him that won't work.  Monty, a topnotch operative, worked on the Bird-in-Hand assignment and helped bring down the New Patriots. A recurring dream prompts him to rescue his boss from possible murder. The agency might not be sending him on assignment, but he knows God is directing his path - one that could wreck his career, family, and cost him his life.

About The Author:  Susan J. Reinhardt started off as a non-fiction writer. Her publishing credits include: LIVE!, Vista, The RevWriter Resource, The Secret Place, and numerous other periodicals and anthologies. She changed gears and began writing fiction after an experience in Gettysburg. Surrounded by history, she *heard* the voices of the forefathers as fading echoes. Attempts to write a poem or non-fiction piece were unsuccessful, so she put the thoughts aside and prayed. Eight months later, Susan and her late husband were discussing that event when he declared, "That's it! That's your book, and it will be written in 4 months and be called Ghosts of the Past." The first draft was written in 4 months and underwent a name change to Echoes of the Past. Later, it became The Moses Conspiracy. Now, after 2 years of caring for her husband through cancer until his death and 6 years of honing her fiction skills, The Moses Conspiracy has been published.  A widow, stepmom, daughter, and follower of Jesus Christ, Susan enjoys reading, couponing, gardening, family time, and searching for small treasures in antique shops.
Susan blogs at:

My Thoughts About The Book:  I did not read the first book, The Moses Conspiracy, before reading The Scent of Fear and probably should have.  I had some difficulty getting up to speed with the second book.  I have to say that once I got past the initial confusion I was captivated by the story and amazed by the writer.  This wonderful story is filled with action, suspense, and mystery, this story expands characters from The Moses Conspiracy, sharing their lives, trials, and how they come to terms with future events.  The book is a "can't put down" one and I found myself reading when I should have been doing other things.  I plan to go back and read The Moses Conspiracy while I wait for her next book to come out.  Excellent read!  Thanks for letting me have the chance to read and review this.
Statement of Disclosure: I received this book to review from Diane Estrella at  for an honest review.  Thank you so much for this opportunity.  Reviews are published on Goodreads and Amazon too.


  1. Thanks for being part of the blog tour and the thoughtful review. I'm sure Susan appreciates the feedback! :)

  2. Hi Karen -

    Thanks so much for having me on your blog today. Your review and kind words are appreciated.

    I'll be back later to say, "Hi," to those who comment.

    Susan :)

  3. Karen,
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book. I have to agree - it is a winner!

  4. Hi Diane -

    Thanks for helping with the blog tour.

    Hi Karen - Aww, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Susan :)

  5. I'm a slow poke getting here to check on you, but I'm wondering how you are doing since you took a fall. Hope all is well now. Take care and Merry Christmas!


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