
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snowed In Wednesday Hodge Podge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Joyce's rules are simple.  All you have to do is answer the questions on your own blog, then hop back and link up with all your friends and neighbors. Be sure to add a link to Joyce's post on your blog  by clicking here so people reading know how to play along too. The code for the Hodgepodge button is on her sidebar.

Now for my answers to the questions......hope you are ready.

1. It's been said that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day?  Do you think that's true? Do you find that an easy exercise most mornings? What's something positive you told yourself this morning? If you missed that boat, what's something positive you could tell yourself tomorrow?  I have an hour commute each morning and afternoon, so on my way in and out I do Hwy 22 Prayers part of the way and then listen to Praise and Worship Music or a motivational CD the other part of the way.  It helps me prepare for my day and get me in a positive zone.  I reverse the practice on the way home and it gets rid of all the negative and I don't come home and lambast Frank with it.  Yep...I believe positives can override negatives.
 2. There will be karaoke at the next party you attend...are you in? Or will you be faking a sore throat?  I am a singer by nature so I am all in.  I am not usually one of the first to jump in.  I know I can sing and I have lots of opportunities to sing.  It is supposed to be fun so I always let others go first....and I may or may not participate depending on the crowd. 

3. January 29th is National Puzzle Day...what's something you've found puzzling lately?
How something as beautiful as snow can be so deadly....especially when it is hiding ice below it's surface.

 4. Jigsaw, crossword, acrostic, logic, sudoku, word search...what's your favorite, and when did you last work one?
I like most of them....but Word Search is my favorite and I did three today.  I have them on my IPad....and keep a book or two of them beside my bed.  I also love jigsaws.  I wish I had had one at the house to eliminate the cabin fever I was suffering from. 
 5. Recently a writer by the name of Amy Glass ruffled feathers with a post she wrote saying she looks down on young women with husbands and kids and she's not sorry. Among other things she says women will be equal with men when we stop saying housework and real work are equally important.  You can read the whole piece by clicking here.What say you? Do you think men and women are equal in the 21st century? Why or why not?
 I agree with Joyce on this one and think "Amy Glass just wanted some traffic on her site and her wish came true. Not sure if this is truly the way she feels, or if it was put out there because she knew it would generate controversy and buzz, and most of all traffic aka revenue. I'm not going to get all riled up about something a self-described feminist blogger says, other than to say this-It is the year two thousand and fourteen. Why do women continue to beat each other up about the way we choose to work and parent?  Are men and women equal? No. Thank goodness!"  Right now I am working full time as a teacher and part time as a preacher.  Frank is only working part time because he is in school.  We chose to go that route.  When he finishes school I am going to retire.

6. What's a product you've noticed in the grocery store that you'd like to try, but haven't yet?
I was watching the commercial last night for the Campbells Slow Cooker Sauces, and thought I might like to try it out.  It is winter and crock pot meals are great for now.  I usually do my own sauces but this really looks interesting.

7. The author,
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) was born this week back in 1832 (January 27th). Which character from his celebrated novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, would you most like to meet, and why? Here's a link to the character list if you need help on this one.  This is not one of my favorite novels.  I really have no feelings either way about meeting any one of the characters....this is especially true after seeing the Johnny Depp movie.  

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I have participated in the A-Z Challenge for the past three years and would love for some of you to join in as well.  I was delighted to find out through Joyce that the  A-Z Blog Challenge registration is up and running.  Go here to add your name to the list. 


  1. My Dad and daughter like to do word finds and have a little competition set up for the next time they're together! They are going to race to see who can complete the same word find first. Love it!

  2. You know it's pretty rare these days to find a family that can afford for the wife not to work - & someone IS able to do that then more power to them! Personally I liked it better when Mike was in school & not working full time - he was a much better househusband than I am a housewife :)

  3. I haven't done any puzzles for so long.

    Once the schooling is over, and you retire, do you have any plans?!!

    sorry, I'm late getting around to visit this week, been a bit busy.


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