
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday Hodge Podge - Vol 158

It is that time of week again.  I look forward to Hodge Podge each Wednesday.  I love writing my answers and then sharing every one elses.  You learn a great deal about people when they answer random question.  If you decide to join in with us then answer the questions and jump over to Joyce's blog and link up with us.  If you don't want to join in then hop over to Joyce's and read everyone responses.  Happy Wednesday!

1. Are you a force to be reckoned with? In what way?  I would have to say I am a fence rider.  I am mild tempered and cannot stand waves.  I am more the keeper of the peace and like it that way.  I guess where my children are concerned I am a force to be reckoned with....the momma bear comes out of hibernation.

2. What are two things you love about the wintertime? Or, if love feels like too strong a word, what are two things you 'like' about winter?  I love a brief snow.....6 snowflakes that melt within a few minutes and no ice on the road.  I have to admit....if I do not have to go anywhere I love the look of ice and snow in the trees when the sun hits it.  I love a mild cold, mid 30's...just enough to wear a turtleneck, or a sweater, or my boots.  Aside from that...I was born and raised in South Florida.  I LOVE sun, warm, and flip flops.

3. Pomegranate, kumquat, persimmon, kiwi, and guava are all fruits said to have health benefits, particularly during the winter months. Do you have a favorite on the list? Are there any on the list you haven't tried?  I don't mind juice with pomegranate in it.  I do not care for them raw.  I have never been a huge kumquat, persimmon, or guava fan.  I adore kiwi.  I grew up eating a number of tropical fruits and developed likes and dislikes at an early age.  I would chose a calemondan orange(kumquat sized) over a kumquat.

4. I passed a local church yesterday and noticed they had this on their outdoor sign- 'When all else fails, do the right thing.' Your thoughts?  Rely on God and do the right thing in the first place.  It would save you a lot of struggle and heartache.  BTW...I love church signs.

5. Do you ski? According to one list I've seen, the top 5 ski destinations for 2014 are-St. Anton Austria, Whistler Canada, Cortina Italy, Tahoe USA, and Zermatt Switzerland. Of the five listed, which would you most like to visit? We can make skiing optional if that helps the non-skiers with their answer. I have tried to ski once and was not terribly impressed with it.....remember from last week I am a skiing and I don't work well together.  I would love to go to all those places and see the snow.  I will be waiting by the fire in the lodge for the skiiers with a nice cup of hot chocolate.

6. What's the last thing you looked for online? (Besides my blog!)  This morning I looked up a You Tube video of dogs who are afraid of cats to show to some animal lovers I have coffee with each morning. 

7. What saying, slogan, quote, or motto have you seen lately that inspires you for the new year?  "I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.

8. Insert your own random thought here. "I love it when I hear lyrics that totally apply to my current situation."  Sometimes I see my life as a musical. 


  1. I agree, do the right thing first! I like your quote. Enjoy your day.

  2. Ha-sometimes I see my life that way too : ) And I'm a fan of church signs...there's a church near here that posts some really good ones, they make me think.

  3. I love music that gives inspiration such as Oh what a beautiful morning.


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