
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wet and Nasty Wednesday Hodge Podge - Volume 164

Another week has come and gone.  Another week of unstable and weird weather.  Today we have rain....only!  I am praying that is all it is.  I would like to complete a full week at school.    Here are Joyce's questions for the week.  All you have to do is answer them on your own blog, then jump back to her blog and share answers with friends old and new-

1. What is something you'll never forget about the age you are right now?  Accepting the call to fill a pulpit.  I would have never thought that would be me.
2. What's a household chore you've never done? How have you managed that???  Obviously I have not managed that because there is not a household chore I have never done.  When you are a single mom you learn to do it all. 
3. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture? Explain?   Yes sometimes!  I raised a daughter who was her mother's child even though she had not been in her life since she was 4.  She had many of her birth mom's character traits and very few of mine.  Her aunt once told me that nature definitely won out over nurture when she was concerned.  I raised her brother....and he was nothing like his mom.  He grew up to be like the people around him.
4. Friday (February 28th) is 'Something on a Stick Day'...funny because Zoanna over at A Penchant for Pens recently sent me an idea for a question relating to this topic. What's your favorite food eaten on a stick?  CORNDOGS!!!!!!!  I only eat them at fairs and such....but I love them!   I have to admit too...I loved skewered meat from a grill!
5. Which of your five senses do you treasure most, and why?  I treasure them all....but I guess sight would be my most treasured.  As an amateur photographer there is nothing like through a lens of a camera and see beauty.
6. What's the best music, theatre, or sporting venue you've been to? What made it great?    Little River Band, Michael Martin Murphy at the Ampitheater in Columbus/Phenix City.  The acoustics are wonderful and the music and scenery are just perfect.  Camelot at TPAC in Nashville, and James Taylor at the Ampitheater in Nashville. 

7. It's the last week of the five words or less bid adieu to your February. Filled with snow so GO!
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Did you know that Saturday is National Peanut Butter Day(it is also National Pig Day but....I am not talking about pigs right now).  Do you like Peanut Butter?  What is your favorite way to eat it?  I personally love peanut butter and will eat it straight from the jar. 


  1. I love love love peanut butter and eat it almost every single morning for breakfast. I make a pb & mayo sandwich on wheat bread. I have never tried a corn dog but I see a lot of responses as a favorite with the bloggers. I might have to give it a try! Have a good week!

  2. That is pretty amazing about you accepting the call to the pulpit and you should be so proud of yourself. Well I am going to pig out on Peanut Butter because I love it! Straight from the jar is fine with me. Lately I have been mixing it into my yogurt.

  3. I like peanut butter best in a Reeses. Just being honest : )


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