
Friday, March 28, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Mighty

So, here’s the skinny: every Friday for going on four years now hundreds of people have joined a kind of writing flash mob over here. This is my third year.  We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FMFParty (It stands for Five Minute Friday Party). No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real. It started because Lisa Jo had been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And she figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing. So now on Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write without worrying if it’s just right gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Your words. This shared feast. It’s easy to join in, just: Check what the prompt is on Lisa Jo's blog. Write a post in only five minutes on that topic on your blog. {And if you don’t have a blog, no worries! Just leave your writing as a comment on her post} Link over to her blog by clicking here and invite friends to join in. Select the permalink to your post {so not your blog url but your post url } Using the blue linky tool at the bottom of her Five Minute Friday post enter your link. It will also walk you through selecting which photo you want to show up in the linky. Your post will show up in our Five Minute Friday linky. Be sure and encourage the person who linked up before you! Our most important requirement for participation: There’s really only one absolute, no ifs, ands or buts about it Five Minute Friday rule: you must visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community. 
The word for today is Mighty.
My mind is running wild.  What can I possibly say about the word mighty today?  I sat and looked at my screen for what seemed like hours and then I remembered my father saying "that was a mighty good meal, or that was a mighty good banana pudding" to my mother.  Mighty good when spoken by my father meant it was the best he had ever had.  He would also say to me, "darlin' I have a mighty big favor to ask of you."  I knew that meant he was going to ask me to do something larger than life.  It would be a favor so big that doing it would require extra work from me. So, I began going in that direction for this post but as I wrote I the lyrics to the song Mighty to Save is what came to my mind.  I can hear the song running through my head.  "Savior He can move the mountains.  Our God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save."  I stand here humbled because of these lyrics.  He is a mighty God that we choose to serve.  "What a mighty God we serve.  What a mighty God we serve.  Angels bow before Him.  Heaven and earth adore him.  What a mighty God we serve."  When I was in the Smokey Mountains this week and saw the majesty of those mighty peaks I was awed at the power and might of my God.  He created these beautiful places just for me (and you too) to enjoy.  It is by this might that he let His only child die on a cross for me.  That took a lot of strength.  Could I have done this?  I doubt it very seriously. I only have might because He is the King of my life.  He is my almighty.  He is my strength and shield because of His great Might.  Yep, He is Mighty to save.  Can I get an amen on that?


1 comment:

  1. I thought of some of those things too when I started writing, though here in the UK we don't use the word mighty in quite the same way. Thanks for writing. I love Five Minute Friday and linking up to read writing from blogs I would not otherwise read. Blessings x


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