
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

If This is Wednesday, This Must Be Hodge Podge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! this is one of the most enjoyable things I do all week, so I am so glad you joined the fun this week, and if you haven't, well what are you waiting for? Answer Joyce's questions on your own blog, then add your link at the end of her post by clicking here. Easy peasy. Oh, and be sure to say hi to your neighbors, because we're neighborly here.

1. Do you have an interest in learning about your family's heritage? Why or why not? If you know a little bit about your roots, share an interesting piece of trivia or a fun fact about someone who goes way back on your family tree.
I'm very interested in knowing my family's heritage. I have family members who have been researching for years and I have just gotten a Family Tree Maker program so I can gleen some of what they have already discovered.  I think it would be great for my daughter to know about where she comes from.  One of my favorite parts about doing this would be the stories I have collected about my grandfather crossing the Chattahoochee River on a barge as a two year old and falling into the water.  My mom's family were really characters.  One of them rode a horse into the Harris County courthouse and shot the lights out.  I have bootleggers, Indian chiefs, hunters, fishermen, guides, Cherokees, Creeks, double first cousins, and more.  There is never a dull moment.

2. Branch Rickey, the baseball exec credited with signing Jackie Robinson, is credited as saying-
"Luck is the residue of design."  Agree or disagree? Why?  I have to agree with Joyce on this one.  I too believe that so often people we label as lucky have actually worked quite hard to get where they are, or to obtain what they have, so I would agree somewhat with Mr. Rickey. By only somewhat agreeing I am leaving myself open for that rare opportunity when luck shines through.  It can happen.

3. In the town where you currently reside, what's your favorite green space?
My backyard? We look out on several acres of pasture and woods, which are ever changing, filled with new moo babies right now, and I promise  you it is never dull. When we had snow the blanket of white on the field was awesome.  My green space is home to a herd of cows and their young, fox and coyote or two, a passing dog, a skunk every now and then, a horse or mule occassionally, a family, farm equipment that fascinates me....I can be entertained for hours in my back yard.

4. Who is your favorite comedian?
I have three and I have seen them all many times.  Tim HawkinsTim Hawkins is a scream.  If you ever get a chance to hear him be sure and do it.  Chonda Pierce is another favorite.  Her stories send me into fits of laughter.  Anita Renfroe is my favorite too.  I saw her last with Mandisa.  Talk about a show.  You can catch them all on or

5. March is National Nutrition Month, and almost everyone needs to improve their diet in some way. What about you? How can you improve your nutrition on a daily basis? Will you try?
I am planning to begin the Daniel diet after a small scare at the doctor's office.  That means I will be removing  sugar, bread, and soda's from my diet.  I will also begin drinking half my body weight in water every day (in oz!).
6. Which of these green expressions have you 'experienced' in recent weeks-green with envy, green thumb, green around the gills, or give the green light? Explain.  With my sinuses acting up this week I will have to say green around the gills.  I have suffered with multiple bouts of nausea since last Wednesday.

7. What is one place you don't mind waiting?
I don't mind waiting anywhere if I have a book with me. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.  This is Girl Scout Week.  Were you ever a Girl Scout?  Did you ever sell cookies?  What was your favorite one?  I was a Girl Scout and Thin Mints were my favorites.  FYI - Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts in the United States, was a remarkable achiever. She set high ideals for the world and for her fellow women. During a time when women were restrained by society, Juliette Gordon Low set a precedent for young women to follow even today. Juliette Gordon was born in Savannah, Georgia on Halloween (October 31) in 1860. She was a bright and talented girl known to her friends and family as Daisy. Her cheerful personality encouraged the respect of all of her peers, however Juliette had her own cross to bear. Throughout her life struggles with her hearing gradually worsened, but Juliette never let these obstacles stand in her way. Juliette later married William Low, an Englishman. Her horizons were broadened when she went off to live in England and Scotland. Unfortunately, the marriage was not what had been hoped. William Low died while preparations for divorce were being undertaken. After this, Juliette decided it was time to see the world. She eventually settled in Paris where she planned to study sculpture. However, a new acquaintance, Sir Robert (later Lord) Baden-Powell, set her life in an entirely new direction.
     Sir Robert was a former English General and war hero. He started the Boy Scout movement in 1908 and met Juliette Gordon Low three years later. He and his sister had a tremendous impact on Juliette in their involvement with the new generation. Boy Scouts had become tremendously popular and had spread to several countries besides England at this time. However, the young women in England began to feel the need for similar organizations among themselves. Several of these type of groups were organized by young ladies into clubs similar to the Boy Scouts. When Sir Robert learned of the thriving interest in scouting among young women, he asked his sister, Agnes, to form an organization for them. Girl Guides were thus established in 1910. The next year there were Girl Guide or Scout organizations in Australia, South Africa, and Finland. By 1912 it had spread even further, into Sweden, Denmark, Poland, and Canada. This new movement of Girl Guides/Scouts was exactly what Juliette Gordon Low had been searching for. She became very involved in it, even moving back to Scotland to lead a troop. However, Juliette realized that the young women in the United States were missing a wonderful opportunity. She promptly returned home to Savannah where she called a friend saying, "Come right over. I've got something for the girls of Savannah, and all America, and all the world, and we're going to start it tonight."
     In 1912, women were facing many old struggles. Their education was limited and so were their futures. However, as the dawn of World War I approached women realized that their role was a vital one. Organizations such as Girl Scouts and Girl Guides were especially important at this time to the development of a new, stronger, and more gifted young woman. The first troop meeting of Girl Scouts in the United States was held in Savannah on March 12, 1912.Juliette Low's girls were able to contribute to the war effort in their community. These young women were able to actively participate as valued citizens who were concerned about their future. The first American Girl Scout handbook was written by Walter John Hoxie, a naturalist. This book reflected many stereotypes of the time, making many references to the arts of "housewivery." However, there was a marked emphasis on ecology and physical fitness which attended to the promise of a new American girl in the years to come. In 1916, Juliette Low adapted a newer version of the Girl Scout Handbook. This book included an aviation badge, a new height for the all girl organization. Juliette Low was a firm believer in letting the girls run their own troops. Adults involved in the troops were advisers, not leaders. When she died on January 18, 1927 she inspired the founding of the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund. This organization uses its money to send American girls to other countries and bring other girls to visit the United States.


  1. Sounds like your heritage would make a good book! You know now that your bring that to my attention I think you are right about luck and hard work. Our son is often thought of as lucky yet he has worked very hard to be where he is at today. Your view sounds lovely. I have to drink more water. I stopped sugars 2 years ago and soda about 20 years ago. I did a little research to check out your diet. Interesting. I also like Chowfo and how they describe diets:
    I was a Girl Scout and I did sell cookies.

  2. That family tree sounds fascinating! Great idea to remove sugar, bread, and soda from anyone's diet. I think sugar and grain are responsible for so many cravings and illness. ANYway, good for you. I've only heard Tim Hawkins a couple times, but yeah, he's pretty funny.

  3. Ohhhhhhhh, Girl Scout Mint cookies are the best!!

    Hope your sinus problem clears up soon.

  4. I was a girl scout, my girls were scouts, and I just got two boxes of cookies yesterday. They're for my hubs, because I'm really trying on the sugar thing. My favorites are samosas and tag alongs. I'm also drinking the water. It's a little tough initially, but honestly it's gotten easier. That said, it's pretty much my only beverage now. I still drink coffee in the morning, but after that its all water all the time : )


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