
Saturday, March 8, 2014

R.I.P. Beau Diddley

Photo: It is with a sad heart that we had to let our buddy, friend and companion go and be with Jesus. Last night he was rolled by a car and his injuries were just to much for him to over come. He was very faithful to us for almost 13 years. He will be missed more than we can say. He brought a lot of happiness to us both and to everyone that met him. R.I.P "BEAU DIDDLY".

Beau was one of the first things that Frank and I acquired together.  One of my students needed to get rid of him and four days after we married Beau became a permanent fixture in the Korb house.  He had always lived in a crate and when we first brought him home and took the crate away from him he just sat and shook.  Frank threw one of his balls towards him and he actually ducked.  It took many times of throwing the ball before he actually went over and got it and brought it back to Frank.  From that moment until 2 in the morning....he chased the ball, ran up and down the stairs and enjoyed a freedom he had never known in his year of life.  He loved to go in the car, as long as someone would hold him at the window and let his ears flap in the wind.  We took him with us to South Carolina once.  Wrong move.  Lengthy rides were not his forte.  Beau hated to see Frank and I kiss.  He would bark at us.  Sometimes we would do it just to aggravate him.  He would always meet visitors with a good barking at and bark at them again when they left.  Everyone loved him.  Friday night our nightmare began when our little dachshund, Beau came home hurt.  It was almost midnight.  He and Frank had gone out for his last nightly business trip.  Frank and I did not go to bed until around 2 and then we were up again a little after five to check on him again.  Before going to bed we prayed for God's will to be done....healing if possible and no suffering if not.  He was still hanging in their.  Our neighbors, Chris and Celia came over to see what they thought.  Chris was pretty sure Beau had just gotten his backside whipped and our other neighbor Gloria reported having seen some coyotes in the area.  Last night we called Chris and Celia again.  He did not seem to be getting better and we found a puncture would on his abdomen.  We called the vet and she told us what to do.  Celia had some pain pills from her little fur babies that would get us through the next few days.  We gave him, per vets ok, put a heating pad under him on low, and propped him up on a pillow.  His breathing became very steady and he finally began to sleep comfortably.  A little after 8:30, Frank came in and checked on him and he was dead. It was with a sad heart that we had to let our buddy, friend and companion go and be with Jesus. It turned out that on Friday night he was rolled by a car and his injuries were just to much for him to over come. He was very faithful to us for almost 13 years. He will be missed more than we can say. He brought a lot of happiness to us both and to everyone that met him. R.I.P "BEAU DIDDLY".


  1. ((HUGS)) I am so sorry to hear this sad news. They are family and I know your hearts are hurting.

  2. Aw - so sorry you lost your little buddy. Here's hoping you find solace in your memories of him.


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