
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Fool's Day Wednesday Hodge Podge

Welcome to this week's edition of the weekly Hodgepodge. You'll find this post sandwiched between letters A and B in the April A-Z Challenge, and if you don't know what that means, click the button on my sidebar to read more.  If you're visiting from the A-Z today, you'll find my post just after this one.Joyce hosts a weekly meme here every Wednesday, and I'm determined to keep doing that addition to the challenge this month. That might be optimistic, but that's me.  I may find myself giving up sometime between A and Z.  Who knows.  Here are my answers to this week's questions. Answer on your own blog, then add your link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here.

1. Since the questions posted on the first day of April it seemed only right to ask-when was the last time you did something foolish? If you can't answer that one, try this one-when was the last time someone fooled you?  Yesterday, on April Fools day four of us used fake lip rings to freak out the students in our first block classs.  I will be hurt.  the kids were freaked for sure and asked questions like...when did you do this?  Does Mr. Korb know?  What does he think about this?  Aren't you a preacher?  What did your church think?  They actually looked relieved when I pulled it out and said..."April Fools Day!"  One little boy laughed nervously and told me I was too old for pulling stunts like that.
2. What's the last biography or non-fiction book you've read? Was it any good?  Real Women Leading with Proverbs 31 Values by Lisa Troyer and Dawn Yoder.  I read this one as part of a book review project, and loved it.  If you would like to see what I said about the book then click here. 
3. Garlic-friend or foe? What's your favorite dish made with garlic?  Most definitely a friend. I love garlic, and am not sure I can choose a favorite dish.  I love garlic bread, I love garlic in spaghetti, on pizza.  I prefer fresh garlic....but will eat the stuff in a bottle too.  Garlic rocks and it keeps away vampires.
4. Several spring flower festivals happen in the US during the month of April. Of those listed which would you most like to see in person...The Skagit Tulip Festival in Skagit Washington, The Dogwood Arts Festival in Knoxville Tennessee, The North Carolina Azalea Festival in Wilmington North Carolina, or Daffodil Festival Weekend on Nantucket Island Massachusetts?  All of them!   I have been to the ones in Knoxville and North Carolina and loved them both.  I would go back in a heartbeat.  Since I have not seen  the tulips in Skagit or the Daffodils in Nantucket I would choose the Skagit tulip festival.  I love tulips.
5. How do you choose which blogs to read? What is something that will make you stop and read every time? Something that makes you say, 'eh, think I'll skip this and move on to the next'?  Subject matter is my first hint.  I like clean topics.  A catchy title is always a draw. Photos are always interesting too.  I read one that does birds each Weds on here that I adore.  I am ADD and do not like to be distracted by too much stuff.  I tend to flock towards blogs who have few readers.  They need loving too.
6. April is National Mathematics Education Month so tell us, when did you last use math?  Friday morning I paid some bills before we headed of town. Using a calculator is math, right? Yesterday averaging grades for report cards.  I need to say...I am not fond of the subject at all....but that is a later post for my blog, coming in May. 
7. In honor of the A-Z challenge which kicked off on April 1...choose one word beginning with the letter A to describe your yesterday.  Anxious
8. Insert your own random thought here.  I too am participating in the A-Z April Challenge and my theme this year is travel.  I am going to discuss places I have been, places on my bucket list that I want to go visit, and places in general that are interesting.  I also am a helper and read 30+ blogs each day to make sure they follow the rules.  This should be interesting.  Where is the one place you would want to travel too if money were no object?  If it was an object?

My A-Z Post on the Letter B will follow this one.


  1. I love tulips too, but chose the daffodils in Nantucket simply because I really want to visit there.

    Have fun with your A-Z challenge!

  2. I really like your answer to #4...choosing all of the above. Smart gal.

  3. That was a fun and innocent April Fool's joke! I had picked tulips because I love them but now I want to go to Nantucket....

  4. That travel question is tough for me, but if money'sno object I'd love to do an African safari, stay in some of the really amazing tree house and beautiful lodge type accomodations. Or Fiji. Another place on my list.

    If money matters, right now I'd settle for a week in a condo on Marco Island Florida. Very do-able.

    Good luck with the challenge. I'm racing to catch up, but will have more time to devote to writing next week. I hope : )


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