
Monday, May 19, 2014

The Miting

About The Book:  Leah is seventeen and Amish. Like many her age, she has lots of questions, but the temporary flight of freedom known as rumspringen is not the answer for her. She does not desire Englisher fashion, all-night parties, movies, or lots of boyfriends. Leah is seeking to understand her relationship with God, to deepen and broaden her faith by joining a Bible study hosted by an ex-Amish couple. She wants to know why Amish life is the only lifestyle her family accepts, why the church has so many rules, and . . . most disturbing, how godly men can allow her best friend to be abused in her own home.  In the pressure-cooker environment of church and family, Leah is not allowed to ask these questions. When finally she reaches the breaking point, she walks away from the Old Order Amish life that is all she has known. Though adapting amiably to the Englisher world, Leah is tormented with homesickness. Returning to the community, however, entails a journey of pain and sorrow Leah could never have imagined.  The miting—shunning—that will now be Leah’s unendurable oppression every day is beyond her most devoted attempts to believe or understand. All the bishop and her family ask is that she abandon her practice of reading the Bible. Is that a price she is willing to pay?
The Miting by Dee Yoder will be available for FREE May 19 and $1.99 May 20-31 on Amazon Kindle, Google Play, and Barnes and Noble Nook

About The Author:  Dee Yoder's fiction is based on the lives of her former-Amish friends.  She is actively involved in the Mission to Amish People ministry as a mentor, volunteer, and author.  In addition to writing over eighty short stories, her coming-of-age novel, The Powerful Odor of Mendacity, won the Faith Writers Page Turner contest in 2011.  Dee lives in central Ohio,

My Thoughts On The Book:  This book is not like any other Amish book I have ever read.  It is so very real.  I felt as if I was a character in this book. If you are looking for a sweet Amish romance then this book is not for you.  If you are looking for a book that tells about a young Amish girl who struggles with being Old Order Amish once she has accepted Jesus in her life as her Lord and Savior then this is a must read.  Leah finds herself in hot water when the Old Order Amish families and the Bishop believe her conversion is a sin! This young seventeen year old has some very difficult decisions to make about her spiritual life.  I could not put this book down and read the whole book in one sitting because I HAD to know what was going to happen to Leah. This story is captivating! I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in Amish living and Amish fiction.

Disclaimer:  I received this book free from Kregel Publication Blog Tours in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”  Thanks guys for allowing me this opportunity!

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