
Monday, May 26, 2014

What Memorial Day Means to Me

This is a touching day for me.  My great grandfather was a Civil War vet.  My grandfather a WWI vet.  My dad and two of his brothers were WWII vets.  I have numerous family members who fought in WWI and II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and a Son-in Law, nephew, and numerous friends who are currently serving.  My father taught me the importance of this day.  Today is a day to honor those who have died.  It has somehow been forgotten and now all it is is a day when people hold big BBQ's, drink to much, go shopping, etc.  I remember when you used to get poppies to wear on this day.  I have not seen them in years.  Anyways, for a brief shining moment...I want to honor the day for what it is.

Andersonville, GA - Civil War Cemetery
The laying on of the wreath at the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will leave a lasting impact on your life.

 WWII Memorial - Washington D.C.  My father never got to go.  He died before I could take him to see this.  I have been there.  I have sat and heard the whisper of the voices from the men who died defending our country,
Korean War Memorial.  My friend, Marian's dad died in Korea.  She was two.  I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit this with her and felt her pain as we stood among the soldiers.  Very touching.
Vietnam Memorial.  I wear a bracelet for a name on this wall.  The emotions I have felt every time I have been here and touched this wall are overwhelming. 
Today, if you see a vet....thank him.  If you lost one....then say a prayer today for them and honor them as they should be.

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