
Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Father's Love

I know that over the past few days Facebook has been bombarded with father pictures.  Some of the dad's are no longer with us and others are new dads.  All in all it makes for a very emotional day.  Father's Day is bittersweet for me.  I lost my dad in 2009 and miss him very much.  He was an amazing father and the memories are sweet.  One thing I can honestly say about my dad is that I have no regrets.  I am fortunate that I got to spend a great deal of time with this man....good and bad.  Letting him go was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.  So today I want you to see the faces of Doug.  The first man I ever loved.

This is the first man to own my heart.  He was one handsome dude.  I always thought he looked like Tennessee Ernie Ford.  I know he sang like him.  He was the love of my mother's life. 

Dougie and I with Daddy in our back yard.  As you can see this was back before dryers.  Is he not the most handsomest man ever?

Daddy getting a birthday kiss from Elizabeth McLeod. 

Running the Talladega 500 with Ronnie as they put together Eric's Santa Claus in 1976.  I think they wore it out before Eric ever played with it. 

Daddy and Susan Price in Knoxville.  Jan and Scott's high school band was marching in a Veteran's Day parade.

My father was a grillmaster.  Here he is at Claude's annual cookout.

He loved antiques and here he is trying to figure out a post office box I got him for Christmas.  He actually figured out the lock to open it.  He was an amazing Grandfather too!  Christina definitely thought so.  He ruled her world when she was little.

My dad and Debbie Mask(my sister from another set of parents) at Kellyton Baptist Church's Old Fashioned Sunday.   Were they not precious?  The picture below is in 2000.  It is Austen (Jenifer's son), Daddy, Eric and his son Hayden, and Ronnie at my apartment around Christmas time.
Daddy's 80th birthday in 2006.  He is surrounded by my cousins, Gary, Mark, Rob, and Jerry.

Momma, Daddy and Kat after he was diagnosed with cancer the last time.  The last picture of my dad made at my mom's 80th birthday in July of 2009.  He died in October.  I miss this man and yesterday was just a reminder of how much.
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There are other men in my life. 
At my dad's funeral we were all together again.  My cousin Judy and her brother Jeff (father of Bridget and John), my cousin Sherry (mother of Brandy), My cousin Jerry (father of Tony, Tonya, and Jennifer), me, My cousin Mark (father of Matt and Kelly), my cousin Barry (father of Jeremy and Todd), and my cousin Rob (father of Bobbie Lee and Christine).  Gary was not in the picture.  He is the father of Dawn.  These guys are great dads and I am so proud of all of them. 

There are a few more special dads in my life that I want to mention.....
Frank (father of Amy). Frank is doing a beach baby dedication for Magen and Keaton's son Jett. 

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At the beach - 2013.

Niece Kelly, Frank, and daughter, Amy at a wedding in Fort Walton.  Below is the our daughter Amy and her husband Steven with our granddaughter, Amelia. 

Frank and Amy at Hurlbert.

Frank and Kat working the Moldova yard sale.

Son, Eric and his precious family (Taylor Bug, Hayden, granddaughter B, wife Roulain, Hannah and B's mom Jasmine.  Below is a man I always thought of as my second dad, Mr. Harland Geiger (and his beautiful wife, Valerie).    His daughter Carol is one of my dearest and oldest friends.

Kat's Godfather Chuck is one of the best guys I know.  He is one of my dearest friends and when I asked them to be godparents for my daughter they did not hesitate.  He has always been an amazing role model for my daughter and I love him with all my heart.

upper picture - Kat is 1 month old.  lower picture was taken when Frank and I got married.

There are a lot of dads in my life....I may not have mentioned you in my little trip down memory lane but you are important to me.  I hope today is a wonderful day for you.

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