
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

An Apology of Sorts, Working The Polls, Celebrating Susan

I participate in a meme called Hodge Podge every Wednesday and love it.  A couple of weeks ago one of the questions dealt with being settled where you live.  Here is question number 4 - Are you settled or do you feel you need to move somewhere new?  Here is my answer - We definitely will(notice I did not say need to) move somewhere in the next couple of years.  That is the way of the Methodist pastor.  We are actually thinking of maybe changing conferences and moving deeper South or further North.  I realized after posting that I may have been misunderstood....or said this not like I meant to.  We ARE Methodist pastors and we CAN be moved by the conference at any time....saying that I have to say that IF I had my choice I would live, retire, and die right here in Rock Mills. I feel as if I have found heaven on earth here.  Frank and I are starting our fifth year here and I feel as if I have been here all my life.  Am I settled?  I have to admit that for the first time in my life I feel settled.  I feel as if I am where I am supposed to be.  Frank and I have discussed changing conferences if we are ever moved...but discussed is all we have done.  It is kind of like the conversations we have when we discuss what we would do if we ever won the lottery.  So, with that said....if I have upset any of my Rock Mills family it was not intentional.  I hope to be here for years and years.  I love my life....and love where I am! 

Yesterday I was a poll working at the Rock Mills Fire Department.  It was a blast.  I got to meet a lot of new people.  I got to see a lot of folks I don't see on a regular basis.  I have a new respect for poll workers.  The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. but it was 8 last night before we finished up all the paperwork and cleaned up our mess.  I got to the polls at 6 because there is a lot to do before the polls actually open at 7.  The 12 hour job is more like a 14-15 hour job.  It was a long day and I was exhausted when I finally got home.  All this was for a whopping 75.00.  It is almost like the 10.00 a day you get when you are called for jury duty.  The one time I was called for jury duty in Montgomery I was paid 10.00 and parking was 20.00.  That venture cost me a whopping 10.00.  I learned quickly that to get a parking ticket was cheaper.  It was 10.00 to get a ticket.  Our system amazes me sometimes.  I hope you had a great day.

My oldest(not age but time) friends 60th birthday was yesterday.  She is with her family near St. Augustine having a wonderful week.  I wish I could be with her.  We will have some time together this summer.  Susan and I met when we were 5.  We attended Vedado Park Kindergarten together, went to Belvedere Elementary, went to Conniston, went to Forest Hill High School, and attended Palm Beach Junior College together.  We have shared many sad moments, happy moments, ....heck we have experienced life together.  It is funny because we can go several months without seeing each other and once we get together it is like we saw each other the day before.  I love her husband, Chuck(they are my daughters god-parents), and her two precious children Jan (and husband Keith - sons Michael and Aaron) and Scott.  This family rocks my world.  So with that said...."Happy Birthday" my friend.  I hope we have many more happy years and wonderful experiences together.  The picture below is me, Carol, and Susan at our 25th class reunion.

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