
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

First Wednesday in June Hodge Podge

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge! I'm glad you joined the fun today, and be sure to add your link at the end of Joyce's post.  I  say this a lot lately, but please-only link here if you've answered the questions. Thanks!  Also, a reminder the Hodgepodge is on summer holiday next week (June 11th), so no link party. Look for its return the following week-June 18th.

Here we go-

1. I've read several posts and status updates recently describing end of year school field trips. Do you remember taking school field trips as a kid? Where did you go and do you recall a favorite? For any parents responding today, have you ever chaperoned a school field trip, and if so where?
School field trips were a plus during my childhood.  We went to the Planetarium, the Dreher Park Zoo, and several has been a long time and my mind is fuzzy.nnbHave I chaperoned a school field trip? Yes, too many to list, and most were enjoyable. I loved taking kids to the Shakespeare festival, the zoo, and a host of others.  The one that stands out in my memory is a high school band trip to Disney. 

 2. What's something you're tired of seeing online?
Political attacks, tea party attacks, etc.  Can we say let it rest? 

3. June is the month for roses. Which of the following expressions would you say could most recently be applied to your life-'everything's coming up roses' 'there's no rose without a thorn' came out smelling like a rose' or 'wearing rose-colored glasses'?   I walk through life wearing rose colored glasses.  Last week while we were at the beach "everything was definitely coming up roses."

 4. When grilling outdoors do you prefer gas or charcoal? Who does the grilling at your house? What's the last thing you ate that was cooked on a grill?  I love a charcoal grill and Frank is the grill master in our house.  He is a chef extraordinaire at the grill.

 5. Are you afraid of the dark?  Sometimes.  I really don't like total darkness.  For some reason it affects my ability to breathe.

 6. Share a favorite song with a number in its title.
These 1,000 Hills by Third Day and One of These Days by Tim McGraw.

 7. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding about ourselves."(C.G. Jung) Do you agree? Why or why not?  I believe sometimes the things we hate in others we exhibit in ourselves sometimes.  As I age I see my mother popping her head up more and more and the things I see in me were the things I did not like in her. 

 8.  Insert your own random thought here. Roads fascinate me.  I am not talking about interstates....nope I am talking about the backroads.  Backroads are what make us who we are.  I find that I love taking the time to travel down these roads.  I believe that they have made me who I am.  My father always believed that backroads were the foundation of life and we were never lost...simply exploring.  How do you feel about backroads? 

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