
Friday, June 6, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Hands

I look forward to Fridays.  On Fridays we write. And sometimes it goes all over the place and we let it. We get messy and real and sometimes we cry and sometimes we laugh but we get it done week after week.We show up and write free. Five minutes on one prompt. We silence the critic and the audience, we make peace with our mistakes and our word tense that goes in and out when we type fast. We don’t overthink or edit or make a fuss. We just believe words spilled are worth something even if they come out like madness. Join us? It’s never too late to link up. When you have posted your blog then hop over here and link up.  If you don't have a blog then leave your thoughts in Lisa Jo's comment section.  The important thing is that you need to respond to the person who posted  before you....and anyone else you want to comment on.  It is a lot of fun and you hear some amazing thoughts.  Today's word is one of my favorite words:  hands.  I love looking at hands and hearing the story they have to tell.   Are you ready to begin?  Ok...set you clock for five minutes and start writing.


I have a thing about hands as I said.  They are the expression of your life so today I thought I would use a little photo-journaling to write about hands.  One of my favorite pictures is of my mom and dad's hands shortly before he died.  My computer is being stubborn today so I can't share it with you.  But let me tell you about them.  These are the hands that disciplined me as a child, that calmed the savage beast when night terrors would awaken me....and them the middle of the night. These are the hands I held to cross the street when I was little....and they were old.  The top picture are the hands of an expectant mother.  Her hands are sharing the new baby items she will use for this first baby.  She is excited and so are her hands as they feel all the baby softness of the clothes, the toys, the blankets.  Hands feel secure and welcoming.

The hands of a grandfather holding his first grandchild for the very first time.  These hands are eager to touch something so soft and sweet.  This is the first child of his only child.   The hands touch the hair, the face.  Hands are excited.  The other hands are the hands of a mother, her daughter, and her god daughter raising their hands in Christmas cheer with eggnog.  These hands are enjoying friendship and family. 
Hands that are capturing the moment.  These hands are a missionaries hands that want to share the emotions felt and capture the moments of their trip to share with those of us at home who cannot or will not go.  Hands being held can be a sign of love, or compassion, or calming when nightmares loom in the darkness.  These hands are those of a missionary and an orphan connecting. The bottom picture show hands being raised in praise.  Moldovan orphans sharing the love of Jesus through their hands in a praise and worship setting.  I love hands!

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