
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summertime And The Hodge Podge Is Easy

Welcome to this week's summery edition of the Hodgepodge! Answer the questions on your own blog, then add your link to that post at the end of Joyce's. Here we go-

 1. What summer activity most takes you back to your own childhood?  Swimming at the beach and in the Lido pool. I loved to swim.   I also loved riding my bicycle.  We would go outside at the beginning of the day and come home when the street lights came on.  Summertime and the living was easy.

 2. What's your favorite summer smell?  Suntan lotion(especially if it has coconut in it), people bar-b-queing, and fresh mown grass.  

 3. It's beach season in the US of, how do you feel about sand?  I love the beach.  I love the feel of the sand between my toes. 

 4. Sun tea, SunChips, sunflower seeds, Capri Sun, Sunny Delight, Sun-Maid raisins, sun-dried tomatoes...your favorite food or beverage with sun in its name?  SunChips hands down!  I love to eat them at the beach sitting under my umbrella....I also love Sun-Maid raisins.

 5. What's your favorite way to cool off on a hot summer day?  The beach....a pool....or AC!

 6. Share a favorite song with the word sun or sunshine in it's title.  I have three that touch me.  Sunshine On My Shoulders by John Denver, You Are My Sunshine (my mom used to sing it to me as a child and when she was in the nursing home I sang it to her every day before she died.),  and Sunshine by Jonathan Edwards. was a music question and you know how I am about music.
 7. Tell us about a time when you had an exceedingly good or a truly awful customer service experience. If it was awful, did you report it? Ever go back there again?  Verizon when it was time to renew my contract.  I went to get a new phone and the salesman not only talked me out of a phone, he talked me out of even being there.  He was suffering obviously from ADD and there was a squirrel somewhere in the room.  The guy next to us not only sold his contact a phone but one for her daughter and mother.  Three phones!  All my guy could do was look elsewhere and ignore us!  It will be a while before I go back.  My phone still works....when I need a new one I think I will order it online so I don't have to see him again!
 8.  Insert your own random thought here.  Requesting prayers for my daughter and her husband.  They will be leaving on a jet plane on July 20th for Moldova to be permanent missionaries.  Pray for me too.  I will miss them both. You can keep up with them on their blog.  It is under construction, but it is a cool way to keep up with what they are doing.

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