
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summertime Hodgepodge

Welcome to the Hodgepodge Hodgepodgers! Glad you've joined the party today...don't forget to add your link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here. Here we go-

1. Since you weren't Hodgepodging last Wednesday, how did you pass the time?  I was using the time to catch up on some book reviews. It seems I had gotten a little behind in my reading.2. What's the first word that comes to mind when I say marriage? Yes, one word.  forever
3. Summer officially arrives in the Northern hemisphere this week. Does it feel like summer where you live? Describe your idea of the perfect summer day.  YES!  Our temperatures have been in the 90's and the humidy is miserable.  The best place to be is inside where it is cool.  My idea of a perfect summer day is a day at the beach with a lovely tropical breeze blowing.  A perfect sunrise and sunset and fresh seafood would be lovely too.  Add some fresh pineapple(in Hawaii) and I would be in heaven.4. "Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability."(Sam Keen) Is laziness ever respectable? Do you have a lazy summer planned or something semi-ambitious?  Summertime laziness is a gimmee for me.  I teach school.  Summertime laziness is when I recharge.  I also spend the time to do projects I did not get to during the school year.   We have already made a beach trip.  I have another one scheduled for Labor Day with the girls.  We have VBS at my church in June and at Frank's church in July.  I still have things like Bible Study on Wednesday night, church on Sunday and Sunday night.  I am taking an online class to get CEU's for school this summer.  It will take 6 weeks.  I plan to enjoy family and friends, spend as much time with Kat and Brian before they leave for Moldova to be missionaries.  
5. Past or present, who's your favorite television dad? Why is he a favorite? Is he anything like your dad?  My favorite dad would be Robert Anderson from Father Knows Best, Andy Taylor from Andy Griffin, and John Walton from the Waltons.  These were fathers who lived lessons for their children to learn.  They were honest, truthful, wonderful men.  They spent time with their children and made sure they knew the definition of right and wrong.  I thought they all reminded me of my own father.
6. June 18 is International Picnic Day...share a favorite picnic memory.  It is not my picnic memory but my daughters.  Her husband Brian, when they were still dating, took her on a picnic to the Shakespeare Festival Park in Montgomery, after the meal he sang, "By My Side" by Ben Harper (playing the guitar for him to sing), and asked her to marry him.  Kyle Wilson played and sang "By My Side" at their wedding. 
7. The travel site Trip Advisor lists the top five islands in the world for 2014 as-Ambergris Caye in Belize Cayes, Providenciales in Turks and Caicos, Bora Bora in French Polynesia, Marco Island Florida, and Lewis and Harris in The Outer Hebrides (Scotland).  Have you been to any of these? Of the ones listed (and if price were not a factor) which would you most like to book for a holiday?  I love island holidays.  Marco Island is wonderful.  Sanibel Island/Captiva would have to be my choice of favorite islands to stay.  They are in Florida too.  I guess as a Florida native I am prone to Florida.  Coronado and Catalina are also wonderful places to go for a holiday if you are on the west coast and in California.  The sunrises and sunsets are amazing.  Scotland's Outer Hebrides are on my bucket list.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I too am addicted to Pinterest. You can find just about anything there and we found some great craft ideas for Bible School there this year.  We are doing Birthday Parties in a bag for the DHR.  I have also found countless things for my classroom at school and to cook.  One of my congregant has been doing some of the watermelon sculptures he found there.  We had a shark at one of our church dinners.  It was amazing!

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