
Saturday, June 21, 2014

VBS 2014 Recap

We have had VBS going on this week.  Our theme has been Space and I am impressed with the worker/volunteers and all they have done.  The kitchen crew, the story teller and his media tech, the music, the crafts, everything.  This year was a Murphy's Law VBS because anything that could go wrong did before it ever got off the ground.  Our VBS Director #1 got the ball rolling and then realized that her 50th class reunion in Texas would be during VBS time, so she passed it off to her DIL, who did a bang up job....except her 30th class reunion was on I took over last night.  One of the teachers who volunteered told us the Sunday before VBS that she too might have to beg off because her daughter had a huge softball tournament....but it all worked out.  Sunday night is our VBS closing program.  I think the kids had a great time with storytelling time, music, crafts, and recreation.  I can honestly say I was delighted in how my church members stepped up to the plate and made sure it was a wonderful time.

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