
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Home Sweet Anywhere

About The Book:  An enchanting account of how one couple sold everything to fulfill a dream of living abroad-one country at a time.  Reunited in love after 35 years and suffering from a serious case of preretirement wanderlust, Lynne and Tim Martin made a life-altering decision: they sold their house and possessions and hit the road to live internationally full-time. Now tethered to nothing but their suitcases, each other, and their next exotic location, they've never looked back. From sky-high pyramids in Mexico to monkeys in Marrakech, this delightful, inspiring memoir is a romantic tale of derring-do for grown-ups and a road map for anyone who dreams of turning the idea of life abroad into a reality.
About The Author:  In 2011, Lynne and Tim sold theirr charming house in Central California’s wine country, gave away the furniture, and stuffed art, clothes and small treasures into a 10 x 15 storage unit. They said goodbye to their surprised children and quizzical friends and now they live in rented apartments and houses internationally, putting down new roots one country at a time. They have no property taxes, roof repairs or home insurance, so all of their spendable income is used to fund their new way of life. They do have small suitcases, an appetite for new experiences, good computers, and the savvy and flexibility to make ourselves at home in almost any situation.  They have lived in Mexico, Argentina. Turkey, France, Italy, England, Germany, Portugal, and Morocco and are currently living in a wonderful apartment near the famous Staten Island Ferry, a twenty-minute ferry ride from lower Manhattan,  while they promote Home Sweet Anywhere, Lynne's book about their adventures.  Thanks so much for looking in on their website.   They love to hear other peoples’ stories!!!
My Thoughts On The Book:  I will agree that Home Sweet Anywhere was enchanting.  This lengthy travel memoir was a little tedious from the beginning.  I was expecting more colorful tales and they just never came about.  Most of the book involved travel, living, grocery shopping, going out to eat.  I was impressed with the concept of what they did.   Not many people could sell everything they owned and country/continent hop for an extended period of time, but they did.  Lynne's husband Tim had quite a knack for details.  Yet, even with his intricate planning they still made mistakes and they handled them without throwing in the towel and returning home.  They lived their life to the fullest.  The epilogue of the book was entitled Postpone Nothing and they go on to say that the only thing they have postponed is feeling old.  The last few pages of the book give you some things that you won't find in a guidebook.  They were very helpful suggestions.  If someone is planning to live free then this is a good book to read to get a rough idea of what to expect.  It definitely is not something you do without a lot of thought and planning.
Disclaimer: This book was given to me to review by Net Galley Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  The thoughts are entirely my own.  Thank you for this opportunity.


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