
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Red, White, and Hodge Podge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Please add your link here, only if you're participating in the Hodgepodge! Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July!

Here we go-

1. Speaking of 180...when was the last time you 'did a 180' on something?
After my first marriage ended I NEVER wanted to marry again.....that was until Frank pulled a green eyed monster trick on me with someone else.  The next thing I knew he was proposing and I was accepting.  It has been an awesome 11 years.  I am so glad I did a 180 on marriage.
2.  It's Independence week in the US of A! What's your favorite thing about America right this very minute? Favorites only! Let's hear what you love about America!  O beautiful for spacious skies....for purple mountains majesty.....America America God shed his grace on the......4th of July tributes, Veterans day tributes, singing the National Anthem, the monuments in Washington D.C., the Columbia River gorge, Niagara Falls, the Grand Tetons, the Grand Canyon, the Outer Banks, the Maine coastline,  there is not much about this wonderful place I don't love.
3. Stars or stripes? Red, white, or blue? Watermelon, homemade vanilla ice cream, or blueberry pie?
Stars, Navy Blue, Homemade ice cream on blueberry pie...and I would not turn down watermelon either. 
4. When did you last see stars, figuratively speaking?
I came up under an open cabinet door.  It hurt like rip and I saw stars.

 5. 'Clear as a bell', 'with bells on', 'lots of bells and whistles', 'saved by the bell'...which phrase 'rings' truest for you lately? Have you ever seen The Liberty Bell?
I have seen the Liberty Bell and stood there and cried.  I was in Philly during the week of the Fourth and it was amazing.  I have a new boss and he has asked for lesson plans and a video of us teaching so I will be adding all the bells and whistles to my plans and production.  I am excited.

 6. Are you caught up in World Cup Fever? Have you watched a lot, a little or none at all?
Somewhat.  I teach Spanish so futbol is an important topic in my class.  I went to the soccer part of the Olympics when it was in Atlanta.  We got to see Italy's team four years ago as they were preparing to leave for the world cup in 2010.  I enjoy watching it played live. 

 7.  Bid farewell to June in ten words or less.
Adios muchacho.  Where is the year going?
 8.  Insert your own random thought here.  What are your 4th of July plans?  Will you be spending times with friends or family?  I am going to be singing with Still Magnolias at the amphitheater in Phenix City, AL.  This is where Frank asked me to marry him(see question one about the 180).  Still Magnolias had just finished their set (I sang God Bless The U.S.A.), and just before the first fireworks went off he proposed.  Do you have a great 4th memory?  Care to share?

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