
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday Hodge Podge

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. FYI Hodge Podge will be taking a little holiday next week. That means no Hodgepodge on August 20th. Joyce needs a week to catch up round her house, and to be honest I need that too. We'll return to our regularly scheduled programming the following week-August 27th, which if you can believe it, will be the last Hodge Podge in August.

Now back to today. Here are my answers to Joyce's...add your link at the end of her post by clicking here, then hop over to the blogger who linked before you and leave a comment. It's the neighborly thing to do. 

1. The best part of waking up is _______________________________.  Coffee in my Tervis cup. Seriously. and then the rest falls into place smoothly.

2. Given a choice, which animal interaction would you most like to experience (or for you non-adventure lovers...which would you dislike the least?)-swim with the dolphins in one of several locations in the Florida Keys, a lion encounter ten miles from Victoria Falls (Africa), or a day at a remote base camp high in the Big Sur wilderness via the Ventana Wildlife Society helping track California Condors?  I love swimming with the dolphins and the Florida Keys so that would be my pick.

3. What is something you fear about old age? Something you look forward to?  I fear losing my memory like my mom did.  I look forward to retirement.

4. Hot sauce...are you a fan? If you answered yes, what's something you make/eat that must have hot sauce? On a scale of 1-10, how hot is too hot?  Definitely not a huge fan, and I like it in stuff....I don't put it on it. As far as how hot is too hot, I don't like hot for the sake of hot. I like to taste my food. I think a 3-5 would be a gracious plenty of heat.  Frank would disagree, and say there is no such thing as too hot. 

5. It's been said that children learn what they live. What do you think children learn at your house?
I hope children in my house learn that we were never lost....we were simply exploring. Life is not always easy but it worth enjoying the ride.  When life hands you lemons....make some lemonade.  God is the Master of our fate and he knows the Big don't sweat the small stuff in life.  No matter what you do....I will always love you.

 6. What's your favorite movie with a number in its title?  I can think of several....7 Brides for 7 Brothers, 13 Going on 30, 27 Dresses. These are my go-to feel good movies.

 7. Saturday (August 16th) is National Tell A Joke Day...share one here.
Teacher: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Student: A teacher!

 8.  Insert your own random thought here. My daughter posted this picture on her Moldova FB page and her comment was..."Dukes of Hazzard Moldovan style."  I thought it was so very funny.

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